Rembrandt's Night Watch: Major restoration begins in Amsterdam
Following five years of research using techniques such as digital imaging and artificial intelligence, eight restorers will begin "Operation Night Watch" by removing the varnish from the painting - in full view of the public, within the glass-enclosed space in The Night Watch Room.
Consumos estéticos.
Consumos web. 12/13/2024
Consumos web. 12/07/2024
Pantone Announces Mocha Mousse as Color of the Year 2025 | ArchDaily
In a progression from last year's Color, Peach Fuzz, Pantone set out to bring the soft shade closer to an earthy soft brown, evocative of sweet indulgencies, "quiet luxury" and comfort. The color is also closely related to the natural world, hoping to encourage a deeper connection to our natural environment.
tags: color
Consumos web. 12/06/2024
Study reveals lasting effects of common weed killer on brain health | ASU News
The researchers tested two levels of glyphosate exposure: a high dose, similar to levels used in earlier research, and a lower dose that is close to the limit used to establish the current acceptable dose in humans. Furthermore, the scientists discovered these symptoms persisted long after a six-month recovery period in which exposure was discontinued. This lower dose still led to harmful effects in the brains of mice, even after exposure ceased for months. While reports show that most Americans are exposed to glyphosate daily, these results show that even a short period could potentially cause neurological damage.
tags: agrotóxicos imperialismo
Consumos web. 09/25/2024
Oasis Definitely Maybe artwork 'will live forever'
"Another one to look at is the Arnolfini Portrait by [15th-Century artist] Jan Van Eyck. It's in the [later] style of Flemish Renaissance art where the images are littered with visual metaphors." Where the enigmatic oil painting featured slippers, a dog and oranges, the Oasis cover, shot by photographer Michael Spencer Jones, included footballers Rodney Marsh and George Best, musician Burt Bacharach, a pink flamingo and a packet of Benson and Hedges cigarettes.
Consumos web. 09/12/2024
Dhani Harrison preps for band's debut release
"I did everything I could to not be a musician," Harrison told Billboard.com. "I went to university (Brown), I worked as a designer, I competed in Olympic sport (rowing) ... and I ended up being a musician. It's in the DNA, I guess."
Paul McCartney told author Barry Miles, “My main memory is that John wanted to hear the breathing, wanted it to be very intimate, so George Martin put a special compressor on the voice, then John dubbed it. … It was always amusing to see if we could get a naughty word on the record: ‘fish and finger pie,’ ‘pr–k teaser,’ ‘tit tit tit tit.’
Consumos web. 08/05/2024
Uta de Naumburgo, la dama medieval detrás de la madrastra de Blancanieves
Lo cierto es que el nazismo había adoptado a Uta como prototipo de la mujer alemana, mientras que, en el caso masculino, el Jinete de Bamberg, una escultura a tamaño natural de un hombre rasurado y de porte regio, era el mayor exponente del varón de raza aria.
tags: nazismo iconografía
Consumos web. 07/02/2024
Google estudió el comportamiento de la generación Z: lo que ha descubierto es alarmante
No quieren ver cosas que les obliguen a pensar demasiado o que les alteren emocionalmente. Si tienen un objetivo, según Jigsaw, es aprender lo que necesitan saber para mantener la calma y la conversación en los grupos sociales que eligen.
tags: decadencia cultural
Consumos web. 06/04/2024
Drive My Car: The Beatles’ Road Incidents – The Daily Beatle
Apart from their obvious love of music, each of The Beatles had an eye for nice cars. While they were together, the Fab Four owned more than forty different automobiles.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlecars beatlepeople
- Apart from their obvious love of music, each of The Beatles had an eye for nice cars. While they were together, the Fab Four owned more than forty different automobiles.
Consumos web. 05/31/2024
Ringo pub for sale – The Daily Beatle
However, the plan was not to reopen the pub, but to turn it into a Beatles souvenir shop, making the whole building Beatles themed.
Consumos web. 05/29/2024
The passing of Dennis Littler – The Daily Beatle
When Paul, John and George started rehearsing their own group at Aunty Ginny’s they actually looked up to us…They even pleaded to join us. We turned them down flat-too young and too inexperienced. They were all still at school.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople