Day I cut John Lennon's first record - The visitor
“I recorded a demo disc for them and that would have been the time to take a professional interest.
Record Achievement – An Irishman’s Diary on ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’
I might mention that when searching the term “Sergeant Pepper” in this newspaper’s archive, I was intrigued to find a series of hits from the 1890s.
JAL flyers offered replicas of happi jackets to commemorate Beatles' visit
The replica happi jackets to be handed out on the plane are meant for first-class passengers from Thursday until December 31 and will also be offered to business-class passengers on December 24-25.
Consumos web. 12/22/2016
Consumos web. 12/21/2016
activista y psicóloga infantil, publicó una petición pública llamando a detener "la masacre" y "el genocidio" que las autoridades parisinas quieren cometer contra la población de ratas. Lejos de parecer una frivolidad, la propuesta acumula más de 20.000 cifras, y sumando.
tags: mojigatería mundial París
Consumos web. 12/13/2016
Los estudios científicos han confirmado que el alga Trentepohlia está detrás del fenómeno, descartando un origen extraterrestre o panspérmico como llegaron a sugerir algunos investigadores.
tags: forteana
Rod Davis: «John Lennon sabía desde el principio que podía hacer lo que se le antojara»
Yo prefería los temas de skiffle, porque eran más de tipo blues o country americano. No me atraía el rock and roll y no se puede meter un banjo en un grupo de este género.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/11/2016
Caesarean births 'affecting human evolution' - BBC News
Historically, these genes would not have been passed from mother to child as both would have died in labour.
Consumos web. 12/10/2016
dejar la portada en riguroso e inmaculado blanco. Con la inscripción The Beatles en relieve, en la primera edición, y en tinta gris o negra en las sucesivas, y un número de serie como si el disco fuera de tirada limitada
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlealbums beatleart beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/09/2016
El truco que utilizaba Rembrandt para pintar sus alabados autorretratos - BBC Mundo
Rembrandt se habría valido del claroscuro— el acusado contraste entre la luz y las sombras, una técnica que el holandés dominaba a la perfección— para esconder las partes que el espejo no le permitía ver de forma detallada.
tags: historia de el arte pintores
Consumos web. 12/08/2016
Qué llevó a Estados Unidos a boicotear a Nestlé en los años 70 - BBC Mundo
convenios con los hospitales en los que contaban con enfermeras entrenadas que recomendaban a madres primerizas alimentar a sus hijos con leche en polvo.
tags: Nestlé industria farmacéutica
The sad story of Jimmie Nicol who became a Beatle for two weeks after standing in for Ringo Starr
Paul McCartney recalled teasingly sending Ringo a telegram saying: “Hurry up and get well Ringo, Jimmy is wearing out all your suits.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/06/2016
John Lennon’s Sgt. Pepper’s Piano Will Fetch Millions | Art & Collectibles
The instrument features a brass plaque, commissioned in 1971 by the man himself, which names the songs that it helped bring to life.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlegear JohnLennon mercado de arte beatlesongs
The Oral History of the First Two Times the Beatles Took Acid | VICE | United States
George had an entirely different experience. "I had such an overwhelming feeling of well-being, that there was a God, and I could see him in every blade of grass," he said. "It was like gaining hundreds of years of experience in 12 hours."
tags: Beatles beatlehistory
Consumos web. 12/03/2016
Kit O'Toole's Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016
This list of Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016 includes selections that every fan on your gift list will love …
tags: Beatles beatlemovies beatlebooks
Consumos web. 12/01/2016
Author to release New Beatles Encyclopedia this month - BeatlesNews.com
a world renowned authority on the Beatles and their cultural influence, has written an updated, abridged version of his The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 11/30/2016
Lennon, McCartney and New Orleans: The Beatles reunion that almost happened | NOLA.com
Lennon would return to Ono and The Dakota, and he would stay there. He would also pull the plug on any plans to travel to New Orleans for the Sea-Saint session.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 11/28/2016
The used to shoot Arthur Rimbaud comes to auction | Christie's
Returning to find Rimbaud packing his bags, he fired two shots, bringing a tempestuous love affair between two of France’s greatest literary heroes to a dramatic close.
Consumos web. 11/27/2016
Health Canada proposes ban on pesticide linked to bee deaths - BBC News
Health Canada said it frequently detected Imidacloprid in Canadian waterways. In agricultural regions where the pesticide was heavily used, the regulator detected levels "well above concentrations that may result in toxic effects to insects".
Consumos web. 11/24/2016
Leaving Behind the Yellow Submarine | Boston Review
Jeremy is a satirical representation of Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams (1934–2016), medieval historian at Yale and Southern Methodist University, a professor fondly remembered for his resonant voice, wide smile, wild suspenders, and entertaining ties.
The Suffolk Journal : Beatlemania phenomenon explained by author Candy Leonard
her 2014 book “Beatleness: How the Beatles and Their Fans Remade the World,” a study of the impact of the Liverpool band through interviews with Beatles fans from the baby boomer generation.
Inside Beatles' Rare 'Strawberry Fields Forever' Early Take - Rolling Stone
Lennon sings it even better, for starters, with the sense that he's opening himself up to his mates in a manner maybe one doesn't think to for the masses. Or maybe doesn't first think to.
Consumos web. 11/22/2016
Marina Abramović's former partner Ulay returns to the stage | Art and design | The Guardian
Even though this is Ulay’s first performance in New York in three decades, some could say he “performed” when he visited Abramović at the Museum of Modern Art in 2010 for the opening of her exhibition, The Artist is Present. (The work saw members of the public sit opposite Abramović and lock eyes.)
tags: arte de vanguardia
Consumos web. 11/19/2016
La película de The Beatles que inventó el pogo — Agente Provocador
un tipo que podría tratarse de Clifford Geertz, entonces profesor en la Universidad de Chicago y que tuvo la fortuna de participar como extra en la película.
tags: Beatles beatlemovies beatlepeople
Bob Dylan Nearly Died In Front Of The Beatles
Robertson had to keep the Fab Four waiting because the singer-songwriter was so physically depleted and delirious he “looked like he was passed out sitting up.”
tags: BobDylan Beatles beatlehistory
Guartambel, an Indigenous lawyer and president of The Confederation of Kichwa Peoples of Ecuador (ECUARUNARI) had the idea to give Picq a Kichwa visa so that she could enter Indigenous territory.
tags: pueblos originarios Ecuador
Consumos web. 11/18/2016
El tesoro milenario que el nieto del fotógrafo de Hitler le devolverá a Bolivia - BBC Mundo
Se asentó en una serranía de clima cálido en el departamento de Santa Cruz (este de Bolivia). Fue durante ese tiempo, aunque todavía no se sabe a ciencia cierta cómo, que obtuvo esas piezas de al menos 1.000 años de antigüedad.
Consumos web. 11/17/2016
'Lost' Frida Kahlo painting surfaces after six decades - BBC News
The assistant, now in her 90s, kept the painting in a bedroom in her home in California until she offered it to auction house Sotheby's this year.
tags: FridaKahlo mercado de arte
Consumos web. 11/16/2016
Edvard Munch painting Girls on the Bridge fetches £44m - BBC News
Girls on the Bridge, a painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, has sold for $54.5m (£43.9m) at auction.
tags: EdvardMunch mercado de arte
YInMn, la nueva tonalidad de azul que fue descubierta por accidente - BBC Mundo
No sólo su tonalidad era perfecta -muy parecida al lapislázuli- sino que tenía una durabilidad, estabilidad y resistencia como ningún otro color azul disponible en el mercado.
tags: color
Consumos web. 11/12/2016
¿Cómo evolucionó el rostro humano? — Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Amazings® / NCYT®)
“Más larga sí, aunque con una velocidad de maduración tremendamente ralentizada. De ahí que se considere que retenemos características de los individuos juveniles, lo que se conoce como neotenia. Además, se trata de una tendencia evolutiva porque, en este caso, el patrón morfológico sí se vincula al tiempo, caras cada vez más pequeñas y neurocráneos más desarrollados”
Consumos web. 11/10/2016
La decisión implica que la Comisión Nacional de Precios de Medicamentos y Dispositivos Médicos de Colombia deberá fijar un nuevo precio para Glivec, que el Ministerio de Salud estima quedará en 40 a 50% menos que el actual.
Scott also debunks the myth that the White Album sessions were miserable. "We had a blast," he says. "Those other stories are bullshit."
Los insectos que ingieren ivermectina, un antiparasitario muy utilizado en ganadería, pierden su capacidad para interactuar con el medio porque ven alteradas sus capacidades locomotora y sensorial, lo que podría explicar el declive que vienen sufriendo las poblaciones de estas especies de escarabajos.
tags: ecosistemas alternativos agrotóxicos crisis alimentaria
Anoushka Shankar on the Beatles, new album, upcoming India tour and more - Life and style
How close were you to George Harrison? I can’t explain how much Uncle George meant to me. He was one of my closest parental figures. I have fond memories of working with him on my father’s album Chants of India. He produced the album.
Donovan on Helping the Beatles Write a Classic -- Vulture
I knew in 1965 when we met that he and I were similar. John and Paul [McCartney] are Liverpool Irish and I'm Glasgow Irish, and that means we were both in the ancient Gaelic tradition of bards and shamans and troubadours, poets of the very highest order, those with the goal of delivering peace and wisdom.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatleindia Donovan
Consumos web. 11/08/2016
#BrunchBookChallenge: A review of The Beatles – All Our Yesterdays | brunch$boc | Hindustan Times
The Beatles – All Our Yesterdays is a new graphic novel by the Delhi-based Campfire that has previously published several informative and illustrated books on famous personalities
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlehistory
The Life of a Song: ‘Yesterday’
their mother Fay walked into the living room and asked if anyone would like some scrambled eggs. McCartney sang the words on top of the melody, improvising for the next line: “Oh baby, how I love your legs.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
¿Qué orilló a Van Gogh a automutilarse? (12:00 h) ‹ ADN – Agencia Digital de Noticias Sureste
“Pocas horas antes de que Van Gogh se cortara la oreja, recibió una carta de París. La misiva traía noticias de que su hermano había conocido a Johanna (Jo) Bonger, una joven holandesa que estaba de visita en la capital francesa. Pocos días después, habían decidido casarse”,
tags: VincentVanGogh
Consumos web. 11/02/2016
Hilary Duff 'truly sorry' for Halloween costume - BBC News
"I only have admiration for the indigenous people of America," wrote Walsh, who wore a headdress and face paint as part of his costume. "In hindsight I would not have made that decision."
tags: mojigatería mundial
Consumos web. 11/01/2016
'It Was A Cess Pit, But We Loved It' – A Former Owner Remembers Liverpool's Cavern Club - NME
'Cavern Club: The Inside Story', tells the story of Debbie Greenberg, a Beatles-era Cavern regular whose family bought the legendary club in 1966, nursed it into a second golden era and who wants to set the record straight on why the original Cavern was demolished in 1973.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatleplaces beatlepeople beatlebooks
'Harry Benson Shoot First': el documental sobre la vida y obra de Harry Benson | Cinepapaya
ahora se esté por estrenar Harry Benson Shoot First, un documental que explora la vida y obra de este artista que hoy tiene 86 años.
tags: fotógrafos Beatles beatlepeople beatlephotos beatlemovies
Tara Browne: the James Dean of Sixties London who inspired The Beatles
As a biography, Howard’s book is hindered by its subject’s insubstantiality. But as a richly populated history traced along this spirited character’s journey from Ireland to Swinging London, it is a fascinating piece of work.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlesongs
Consumos web. 10/30/2016
John Lennon MBE return letter valued at £60k - BBC News
One expert believes the text is a draft of the letter Lennon sent in 1969, which remains in the Royal archives.
Consumos web. 10/29/2016
Por qué causan polémica las toneladas de maní que EE.UU. quiere enviar a Haití - BBC Mundo
Quienes se oponen a la misión justifican que no es la primera vez que EE.UU. compromete la frágil economía del país caribeño con un programa alimenticio.
Beatles ‘66 is almost like a coming-of-age story for John, Paul, George, and Ringo. All four had their perceptions of the world challenged, with an accompanying reconfiguration of their individual and collective priorities.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlebooks
La broma de los Simpsons a Yoko Ono que se volvió real | Beatles, Claro, John Lennon
Según el portal Mashable, varios artistas fueron invitados a colaborar en la exposición Yoko Ono: One More Story... y entre ellos el artista de Islandia, Ragnar Kjartansson, decidió colaborar con, justamente, un sombrero con ciruelas.
tags: YokoOno arte de vanguardia
Ozzy Osbourne wants Beatles to be played at his funeral - Birmingham Mail
he said: "I really need a few more years to think this over, but probably something from 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' or 'Revolver.'
Consumos web. 10/27/2016
La microalga mide aproximadamente 10 micras y se sabe que cuando se aloja en un organismo, hace fotosíntesis y muta genéticamente los productos al hospedero, aportando una significativa cantidad de alimento.
El libro que podía matarte — Agente Provocador
Cualquier investigador puede acceder al libro de Kedzie, pero previamente debe utilizar guantes. Su vida, al fin y al cabo, podría estar en peligro.
tags: libros
when “four lovable guys from Liverpool who wore identical suits” recorded “Revolver,” started “Sgt. Pepper,” and became psychedelic artists who were “more popular than Jesus,” in John Lennon’s words.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Lounge Loves: The Beatles timepiece - Livemint
The 13th album, Help, is represented through a silhouetted image of the Fab Four at the 4 o’clock mark, as in the album cover. The official logo of the band is above the 6 o’clock position, and the date window at 3 o’clock.
tags: Beatles beatlethings
Paul Howard: Why I wrote story of Guinness heir Tara Browne, the man immortalised in a Beatles song
Browne, he explained, was an icon of the times because of what he symbolised. He was at the centre of the London scene when, for one brief moment, social barriers ceased to matter.
The Beatles officially licensed knitwear from Niko And… now available | Retro to Go
But if you are in Japan (or have worked out the shipping thing), then you can order the knitwear right now to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the band’s first visit to Japan.
tags: Beatles beatleclothes beatlethings
♫ ALMA COGAN, LA AMANTE SECRETA DE JOHN LENNON | Archivos musicales, Noticias Musica
Hubo preguntas sobre su sexualidad y los rumores de un romance secreto con John Lennon , que ya había sido denunciado por su esposa Cynthia.
Consumos web. 10/23/2016
The tardigrade genome has been sequenced, and it's even weirder than we thought - ScienceAlert
The foreign DNA comes primarily from bacteria, but also from plants, fungi, and Archaea. And it’s this incredible variety of genes that researchers suggest has allowed the water bear to survive in such extreme conditions.
tags: mecánica genética evolución
Publisher wins rights to Voynich manuscript, a book no one can read | World news | The Guardian
But after a 10-year appeal for access, Siloe, a small publishing house in northern Spain has secured the right to clone the document – to the delight of its director.
Consumos web. 10/21/2016
"Estimado Kafka, por favor dígame qué pensar al leer La Metamorfosis" - BBC Mundo
Sólo usted me puede ayudar. Tiene que hacerlo pues fue usted el que me metió en este lío. Así que por favor dígame qué debe pensar mi prima cuando lee Metamorfosis.
tags: FranzKafka
Consumos web. 10/20/2016
"Inside the Beatles" un album de 300 photos qui se referme sur les séances d'enregistrement au studio EMI de Londres le 4 juin 1968
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
John Lennon, suffering from writer’s block during the making of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, propped a copy of the Daily Mail on his piano music stand and turned over the front page.
Consumos web. 10/14/2016
LEGO Ideas - Blog - Introducing LEGO® Ideas 21306 Yellow Submarine
You can find this iconic submarine and its legendary passengers in stores from the 1st of November, 2016 for a recommended retail price of USD 59.99 / EUR 59,99 / GBP 49.99. The set consists of over 550 LEGO bricks including the 4 minifigures representing John, Paul, George and Ringo, as well as a Jeremy figure
Consumos web. 10/13/2016
LEGO Ideas - Beatles Yellow Submarine
some colours were altered and colour schemes simplified due to limitations of LDD. George's longer hair reflects him during a different phase of the Beatles, but was used here to help distinguish him from the other three members.
Consumos web. 10/12/2016
25 Years Ago: The Beatles' Apple Corps Reaches a New Settlement with Apple Computer
The story goes that George Harrison was the one who first heard of Apple Computer, just after the company was founded in 1977. He alerted the staff of Apple Corps,
tags: Beatles Apple beatlehistory
Consumos web. 10/11/2016
Cómo combatir el dolor real que causan las enfermedades imaginarias - BBC Mundo
parece que estuvo luchando contra el estrés del trabajo, los niños y un marido dominante y, a medida que aprendió a hacer frente a esos problemas, comenzó a recuperar su vista poco a poco.
tags: cerebro enfermedades extremas
En octubre de 2005, el Embajador del Perú ante los Estados Unidos envió una carta al Presidente de la Universidad de Yale, mediante la cual solicitó formal y oficialmente el retorno de todas las momias, cráneos, huesos y restos humanos, objetos de cerámica, utensilios, objetos de arte y todo otro ítem que hubieran sido extraídos de Machu Picchu y de sus áreas circundantes, y que fueron transportados a la Universidad de Yale, en New Haven, Connecticut, en el período 1911-1916.
tags: expolio Perú pueblos originarios
Danny Trejo: The 10 Albums That Changed My Life - Metal Hammer
I heard it in prison. When it started playing, it got quiet. It never gets quiet in prison at night, but it went dead silent! Then it gets to the part where he’s going [sings] ‘Hey Judy, Judy, Judy, Judy!’, and the whole place just went crazy! We were banging on the walls singing and all of the toilets got broken!”
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlepeople
Consumos web. 10/07/2016
BOOK REVIEW: "The Zapple Diaries" by Barry Miles | Red Dirt Report
the book’s primary focus is his time trying to manage the ill-fated Zapple label which, after all that talk, all those promises and all that beat poet recordings, managed to only release two albums: Lennon and Yoko Ono’s experimental fidget Unfinished Music No. 2: Life with the Lions and Harrison’s Moog noodling Electronic Sound.
han demostrado, por primera vez en la historia de la genética, la ‘comunicación’ entre gestante y embrión, suficiente para modificar el genoma del futuro bebé.
tags: genética
Despiden con trajes de superhéroes a niño que murió en tiroteo | Nortedigital
fue enterrado con el disfraz de Batman, en un funeral en el que sus amigos y familiares también asistieron con trajes de superhéroes.
tags: Batman
Parece ser que este fenómeno celeste sin precedentes se interpretó como la aparición de un nuevo dios: en este tiempo precisamente, civilizaciones de todo el mundo empezaron a adorar a una nueva deidad representada como un disco alado suspendido en el cielo.
Consumos web. 10/04/2016
Billy J Kramer: 'Brian Epstein offered me £50 a week - that was my turning point'
As soon as I had a hit record he formed a company for me, and every week I’d receive a registered envelope with a cheque for me and the band, a run-down of deductions, a total itinerary, hotels, the lot, plus some cash. Brian was great.
tags: BrianEpstein Beatles beatlepeople
Consumos web. 10/01/2016
How the Beatles Captured “A Day in the Life” in 34 Hours | Nerdist
fulfilling Lennon’s desire to create “a sound building up from nothing to the end of the world,” and it all ends with mindless Beatles chatter, perhaps the maniacal portent to said world’s end.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlehistory
Why The Beatles’ Record Executives Were Unhappy With Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - CINEMABLEND
. Yes, Tarquin Gotch confirms that they had to drop $100,000 just on the rights to use Twist and Shout in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. But what I love is that he also had alternatives picked out for John Hughes just in case the Beatles deal fell through.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlemovies
Love, The Beatles: Giles Martin Interviewed | Features | Clash Magazine
“My Dad at that stage didn’t think The Beatles were going to be the pinnacle of his career. In the same way that The Beatles didn’t think The Beatles were going to be the pinnacle of their careers. At that stage they were all incredibly successful solo musicians.
tags: Beatles GilesMartin beatlealbums
Over the 52 years, the jacket has reportedly never been altered.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlemovies beatleclothes PaulMcCartney
How ‘The Grey Album’ Re-Invented the Remix – Cuepoint – Medium
the website Downhill Battle organized a massive campaign of civil disobedience. Downhill Battle was an influential non-profit in the mid-to-late-2000s whose mission was to “support participatory culture and build a fairer music industry.” Refusing to accept EMI’s attempts to limit access to Danger Mouse’s album, they worked in collaboration with 170 other websites to host the album for free download for one day.
John Lennon's missing Rolls-Royce rides again
Lennon agreed to pay £6,000 for the Phantom V. It would cost another £6,000 for the makeover, which was carried out by the London coachbuilder Wood & Pickett.
Judge Quotes Beatles in Ruling Against John Lennon's Son - West Village, NY Patch
Because almost everyone is a Beatles fan, the Manhattan judge presiding over the case, Debra James, quoted the band's song "Strawberry Fields" in her ruling
the butcher cover remains one of the most well-known and most talked-about of relics. Within a decade of its brief appearance on store shelves, copies of a butcher cover masked by the trunk cover were commanding prices of $200 or more.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlealbums mercado de arte
The Beatles limited edition Yellow Submarine notebooks by Moleskine | Retro to Go
The Beatles limited edition Yellow Submarine notebooks by Moleskine
Consumos web. 09/28/2016
Hay una serie de símbolos llamada abugida en el que cada uno de ellos representa una combinación de consonante + vocal, pero en el que la forma indica la consonante y la dirección en que apunta el símbolo (arriba, izquierda, derecha) indica la vocal.
Why The Beatles Created Apple Music – Cuepoint – Medium
On November 17, The Beatles Ltd changed its name to Apple Music Ltd, and Apple Music Ltd became The Beatles Ltd.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory Apple beatlebooks
Titan Entertainment expands Yellow Submarine offering | Latest news from the toy industry | ToyNews
The line is now being extended with a set of accompanying 6.5-inch vinyl collectable figures of John, Paul, George, Ringo and the submarine.
John Lennon’s Campaign Song: "Come Together" • Howl & Echoes
“He said that he was a tailor and I was a customer who had ordered a suit and never returned. So he sold it to someone else.”
Consumos web. 09/27/2016
Book Review: A graphic take in novel form that celebrates the Fab Four | Sunday Guardian
The graphic novel follows the band’s journey — from their struggling years to becoming a global success. The book takes the reader through that age of rock ’n’ roll, with lives of the band members in Liverpool forming the backdrop.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatleart
Mary McCartney: ‘My mum sang backing vocals on Let It Be’ | Life and style | The Guardian
It’s the most personal one to me as it references my grandmother Mary, and my mum sang backing vocals on it.
tags: beatlepeople beatlesongs
dos genes, PAX3 y PAX7, que se sabe que afectan a la longitud y forma de la boca en ratones de laboratorio, así como en la pigmentación de la piel,
Consumos web. 09/26/2016
el tratamiento en el Reino Unido de 1.848 personas de baja estatura con la hormona de crecimiento humano (HGH) extraída de las glándulas pituitarias de cadáveres, algunos de los cuales fueron contaminados con priones.
tags: enfermedades extremas cerebro
La edad de inicio del declive del anfitrión está estrechamente vinculada con cambios dentro de la comunidad de microbios en su intestino. Con la edad, el número de células bacterianas se incrementa sustancialmente y la composición de los grupos bacterianos cambia.
PressTV-Bolivia recovers 22 historical artifacts from Germany
These artifacts were in the possession of Tobias Wagner Berger of Germany. Berger is the son of a photographer who took the photos that accompany these artifacts while on a trip to Bolivia in 1954.
tags: expolio pueblos originarios
Consumos web. 09/24/2016
Meet the Lawyer who Saved John Lennon and Yoko Ono
I’m talking about John Lennon and Yoko Ono. They are looking for special immigration counsel, and I have recommended you.
The second decision is less well known: that year, Martin abandoned Sheena, his wife of 14 years, and their children Alexis and Greg, for a new life with his glamorous office secretary. Judy Lockhart-Smith would become his second wife and mother of two more children, Lucie and Giles.
tags: GeorgeMartin Beatles beatlepeople
As Paul and Ringo reflect in the film, the group’s unanimous decision to refuse to kowtow to segregation was a reaction just as visceral. We never know where our choices will lead.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
No Beatles in Yoko Ono's upcoming memoirs | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV | Daily Express
“No, it is not about The Beatles or my experiences with The Beatles. I think it verges on rudeness when I write about them now because they’re my very best friends still and I just don’t want to invade their privacy,”
tags: YokoOno beatlebooks
George Harrison’s "I Me Mine" to Be Released in Expanded Edition | Beatrice News Channel
I Me Mine – The Extended Edition features 141 songs with commentaries,
tags: GeorgeHarrison beatlebooks
A telegram from Apple Records suggests Lennon was up for performing a solo set at Woodstock, but the festival’s organisers mislaid it.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory JohnLennon
The truth about how John Lennon wrote Strawberry Fields Forever - BeatlesNews.com
"Alice in Wonderland" also includes the phrase "nothing is real," undoubtedly John borrowed this phrase from Alice.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlebooks
¡Qué pinta! Un clásico traje de los Beatles sale a subasta | TN.com.ar
En su interior, cuenta con un bolsillo con la etiqueta del creador, "D.A. Millings & Sons", junto con el nombre de John bordado a mano.
tags: Beatles beatleclothes
Consumos web. 09/23/2016
Disney halts sales of Moana costume after racism accusations - Sep. 22, 2016
It was wrong to sell a costume that allowed children to pretend to be another race,
tags: mojigatería mundial excesos antidiscriminación decadencia cultural
Consumos web. 09/22/2016
Larry Kane y su gira con los Beatles | los Beatles
pero después de una semana y media me di cuenta de que estaba presenciando algo que solo se da una vez cada cien años en el mundo de la cultura y que posiblemente nunca vuelva a suceder
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 09/21/2016
Infinito y matemáticas en pensamiento precolombino
en el Perú precolombino las matemáticas estuvieron presentes por el número y la forma. Por el número comprendió la aritmética, que se comprueba en la yupana, y por la forma abarcó la geometría, que se verifica con las colosales construcciones megalíticas. No estoy seguro de la presencia del álgebra como manejo abstracto de números mayores.
Diseño intencionadamente incómodo como medio de control social - Yorokobu
los gobiernos o instituciones han utilizado el diseño incómodo sin ningún complejo, lo que ha generado una importante contradicción: el diseño que debería ser para el beneficio de los ciudadanos, se emplea abiertamente en su contra.
Donovan on Teaching the Beatles the Fingerstyle That Became the White Album | Westword
Paul was walking around while John was doing his lessons with me, and out of the picking came ‘Dear Prudence,’” Leitch says. “And that was wonderful. But Paul was doing this other thing and wrote ‘Blackbird.’ George didn’t really want to learn the fingerstyle of Maybelle Carter. No, he said he really had a Chet Atkins picking style
tags: Beatles beatlehistory Donovan beatlesongs beatlealbums
Giles Martin Explains Why 'There's Still No One Like The Beatles' | Huffington Post
So Paul and John were incredible songwriters, the most successful of the last century, and they’re in the same band together and then eventually George came up at the end on the rails.
tags: GilesMartin Beatles
Consumos web. 09/18/2016
el músico y bailarín, además, llegó a contratar personas con intención de hacer una serie de cuatro películas basadas en “Strawberry Fields Forever”, “Back in the U.S.S.R.”, “Eleanor Rigby” y “The Fool on the Hil”.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlebooks
síndrome de dehiscencia de canal semicircular superior. Dicho de manera simple, el síndrome consiste en un agujero que se desarrolla entre el oído interno y el cerebro, con toda una serie de efectos que se experimentan con gran protagonismo de las señales auditivas.
tags: enfermedades extremas
'La manzana envenenada' de Tomás Crespo | Rockandrollarmy Magazine
"La manzana envenenada. Una pequeña historia de Apple Corps (1968-1975)", obra que recorre cronológicamente a través de todos los lanzamientos y proyectos de este conglomerado de empresas la historia de los negocios de los Beatles.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks Apple