La física y la música - la diaria
desde el estudio del acorde inicial de “A Hard Day’s Night” por métodos matemáticos hasta el envío a la estrella polar de la canción “Across the Universe” codificada en ondas de radio, o el análisis de la ciencia del sueño relacionado con la creación de “Yesterday” y la relación de los Beatles con la tecnología de las tomografías.
sin ánimo de lucro dependiente del departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Competitividad del Gobierno Vasco, en España, ha creado dos nuevas variedades de patatas de gran valor nutricional y aptitud industrial.
Consumos web. 01/30/2016
Consumos web. 01/27/2016
The battle to stop people from copying shapes - BBC News
Attempts to trademark the shapes of Kit Kats and London taxis have failed, opening the door for rivals to imitate them.
MobRules - BlackSabbath. (02/02)
Kaleidocycles - MCEscher.
Consumos web. 01/21/2016
En effet, nous allons parler musique, poésie, humanité, paternité, couple, amour, paix et, tout cela, avec une seule bande dessinée, signée Foenkinos, Corbeyran et Horne. Elle s’intitule Lennon et elle est éditée chez Marabulles.
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlebooks
Consumos web. 01/19/2016
Racism, Beatles music at center of debut YA novel - San Antonio Express-News
Apple Yengko arrived in the United States with her mother from the Philippines at age 4. Her father had died recently, and her only possessions are a picture postcard of the seashore and her father’s cassette tape of the Beatles’ “Abbey Road.” Apple listened to that tape until it began to crumble.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlebooks
Music Inspires Author's New Children's Book - Story
When you love something, you want to share it. That's exactly why Jill Davis put pen to paper in writing her new children's book, "A, B, See... The Beatles!"
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
OnMilwaukee.com Music: Kruth explores enduring beauty of Beatles' 'Rubber Soul'
"Rubber Soul" is so rich – the first time George uses the sitar – on "Norwegian Wood," Paul employs jazz chords on "Michelle," John evokes Weill and Brecht on "Girl," Ringo sings country on "What Goes On" on the Brit pressing.
Beatlebone is a sad, sea-haunted, beautiful book made even more so by prose so compressed and diamond-cut it rivals the sharpness of the crags that hang above Lennon as he braces his pale, underfed frame against the wind, fighting off waves to get to an impossible sanctuary in a world that has left him none.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
The term “Beatlemania” appears to be the invention of A Canadian journalist. Sandy Gardiner was an entertainment writer for the Ottawa Journal. While visiting England, he learned of the hysteria Beatles were causing. When he wrote about it for the Journal, he called the phenomenon “Beatlemania.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlebooks
Billboard Cover: Paul McCartney Reveals the Stories Behind The Beatles' No. 1 Hits
McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr are the only artists to take over the Hot 100's top five positions simultaneously.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
The Complete Beatles Songs – The Stories Behind Every Track Written by the Fab Four / Boing Boing
The Complete Beatles Songs has gone through several editions over the last 20 years as author Steve Turner continues to dig deeper to find the origins and meanings of every song the Beatles wrote.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlebooks
Kohl's Taps the Beatles for Multi-Generational Holiday Spots | CMO Strategy - AdAge
The department store will broadcast a series of spots told from the point of view of various members of one multi-generational family tree, set to The Beatles tune of the same name.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatleads
Beatles Music Being Used to Sell Pots, Pans, Toiletries at Christmas
This isn’t the first time “All Together Now” has been used in a commercial. In 2011, Sprint used the song to promote its wireless services.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatleads
Interview: Five questions for Michael Lindsay-Hogg on the new Beatles '1' DVD | Examiner.com
I hope and think the day will come and it will be great one when it does.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlesongs beatlealbums beatlemovies beatlevideos
Miniature Bible owned by Eleanor Rigby thought to be worth £20,000 | Daily Mail Online
Piece of pop history: This Bible belonged to Eleanor Rigby, believed to have inspired the Beatles song which bears her name.
tags: Beatles beatleart beatlesongs beatlethings mercado de arte
Intervew: Chris McKay of Abbey Road LIVE! - Free-Times.com
We can't do this one at every show because sometimes we go too far. I've broken equipment more than once in the frenzy. I've also wound up bleeding during the craziness. At one point or another, three-fourths of the band members are likely to wind up in the air, and sometimes, guitars wind up flying, too.
Interview: Artist Alex Ross Discusses Drawing The Beatles : T-Lounge : Tech Times
In an interview, acclaimed comic book artist Alex Ross discusses his latest project - drawing the musical group The Beatles - and how much comic books have changed over the past few decades.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatleart comics yellow submarine
Consumos web. 01/18/2016
A conversation with John Lennon | Stuff.co.nz
"Why did I pick him? Because to me, he seemed to be the most reflective and the most sensible and indeed, after I saw John the other three bounced in and they were all crazy as nutmegs."
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlepeople
Consumos web. 01/16/2016
John Lennon nicked my pint, says fan at 'lost' Beatles gig in Birmingham - Birmingham Mail
It did. Malcolm, who now lives in Kent, knows – because he was there. And the place was almost empty.
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlepeople
John Lennon y el supuesto sabotaje de la carrera musical de su padre
Charlie Lennon, tío de John, recordaba en sus memorias que tras editar el disco “su padre fue a ver a John y este le cerró la puerta en las narices. Freddie dejó la música inmediatamente”.
tags: JohnLennon beatlepeople
MobRules - BlackSabbath. (01/02)
The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci.
Süskind,Patrick - Perfume
Talon. (08-17)
Consumos web. 01/13/2016
El herbicida de Monsanto que le hizo perder la memoria a un granjero francés - BBC Mundo
François es el primer agricultor que demanda con éxito a la multinacional estadounidense Monsanto en Francia.
tags: agrotóxicos
“I had Paul and John behind me and I remember I did two verses and then George did the guitar breaks and they were just out of this world.”
tags: beatlepeople
HeavenAndHell - BlackSabbath. (02/02)
Süskind,Patrick - Perfume
Talon. (08-17)
UmbrellaAcademy - V1-ApocalypseSuite.
Consumos web. 01/12/2016
A punto de acabarse uno de los antídotos más eficaces contra el veneno de serpientes - BBC Mundo
el fabricante Sanofi-Pasteur dice que su fabricación ya no es rentable.
Buechner,Thomas - NormanRockwell-SixtyYearRetrospective.
CrownPublishers- - 102FavoritePaintingsNormanRockwell.
Eisenstein,Ruth- - NormanRockwell'sChristmasBook.
Finch,Christopher - NormanRockwell.
Finch,Christopher - NormanRockwell-332MagazineCovers.
Finch,Christopher - NormanRockwell'sAmerica.
Frank,Beryl - NormanRocksell'sAmericanFamily.
Guptill,Arthur - NormanRockwellIllustrator.
Hart-Knutson- - NormanRockwell-PicturesAmericanPeople.
Hoffman,Marian - NormanRockwell'sAmericanSportsman.
Kirk,John - ChristmasNormanRockwell.
SaturdayEveningPost - ChristmasBook.
SaturdayEveningPost - ChristmasTreasury.
SaturdayEveningPost - NormanRockwellMemoryAlbum.
Schorr,Collier - TheEssential-NormanRockwell.
Dumas,Alejandro - CondeMontecristo.
Consumos web. 01/10/2016
la enfermedad podría haber protegido a los ancestros de los irlandeses de los efectos negativos de ciertos parásitos en su organismo.
Londres visto por sus ciudadanos sin hogar - BBC Mundo
habían repartido 100 de ellas entre gente sin techo que previamente había recibido formación de la Real Sociedad Fotográfica de Reino Unido
Consumos web. 01/09/2016
ha asimilado con éxito genes de las algas que come, y que estos le permiten fotosintetizar como una planta.
Consumos web. 01/08/2016
¿Pueden los hijos heredar genéticamente los traumas de sus padres? - BBC Mundo
Se sabe que los hijos de las familias que fueron víctimas directas son más propensos a sufrir desórdenes vinculados al estrés. Y "los cambios genéticos en estos niños sólo pueden ser atribuidos al hecho de que sus padres estuvieron expuestos al Holocausto",
Las malas noticias de la ciencia para las dietas bajas en carbohidratos - BBC Mundo
"La capacidad para aprovechar raíces y tubérculos ricos en almidón en la dieta de los primeros homínidos es considerada un paso potencialmente crucial en la diferenciación de los primeros Australopitecinos de otros homínidos",
Consumos web. 01/05/2016
Pioneering Female Photographers in Mexico - The New York Times
in Mexico, the end of the revolution of 1910-20 ushered in a period of new artistic freedom, and intrepid female artists seized the moment.
tags: fotografía fotógrafos galería