Lennon, McCartney and New Orleans: The Beatles reunion that almost happened | NOLA.com
Lennon would return to Ono and The Dakota, and he would stay there. He would also pull the plug on any plans to travel to New Orleans for the Sea-Saint session.
Consumos web. 11/30/2016
Consumos web. 11/28/2016
The used to shoot Arthur Rimbaud comes to auction | Christie's
Returning to find Rimbaud packing his bags, he fired two shots, bringing a tempestuous love affair between two of France’s greatest literary heroes to a dramatic close.
Consumos web. 11/27/2016
Health Canada proposes ban on pesticide linked to bee deaths - BBC News
Health Canada said it frequently detected Imidacloprid in Canadian waterways. In agricultural regions where the pesticide was heavily used, the regulator detected levels "well above concentrations that may result in toxic effects to insects".
Consumos web. 11/24/2016
Leaving Behind the Yellow Submarine | Boston Review
Jeremy is a satirical representation of Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams (1934–2016), medieval historian at Yale and Southern Methodist University, a professor fondly remembered for his resonant voice, wide smile, wild suspenders, and entertaining ties.
The Suffolk Journal : Beatlemania phenomenon explained by author Candy Leonard
her 2014 book “Beatleness: How the Beatles and Their Fans Remade the World,” a study of the impact of the Liverpool band through interviews with Beatles fans from the baby boomer generation.
Inside Beatles' Rare 'Strawberry Fields Forever' Early Take - Rolling Stone
Lennon sings it even better, for starters, with the sense that he's opening himself up to his mates in a manner maybe one doesn't think to for the masses. Or maybe doesn't first think to.
Consumos web. 11/22/2016
Marina Abramović's former partner Ulay returns to the stage | Art and design | The Guardian
Even though this is Ulay’s first performance in New York in three decades, some could say he “performed” when he visited Abramović at the Museum of Modern Art in 2010 for the opening of her exhibition, The Artist is Present. (The work saw members of the public sit opposite Abramović and lock eyes.)
tags: arte de vanguardia
Consumos web. 11/19/2016
La película de The Beatles que inventó el pogo — Agente Provocador
un tipo que podría tratarse de Clifford Geertz, entonces profesor en la Universidad de Chicago y que tuvo la fortuna de participar como extra en la película.
tags: Beatles beatlemovies beatlepeople
Bob Dylan Nearly Died In Front Of The Beatles
Robertson had to keep the Fab Four waiting because the singer-songwriter was so physically depleted and delirious he “looked like he was passed out sitting up.”
tags: BobDylan Beatles beatlehistory
Guartambel, an Indigenous lawyer and president of The Confederation of Kichwa Peoples of Ecuador (ECUARUNARI) had the idea to give Picq a Kichwa visa so that she could enter Indigenous territory.
tags: pueblos originarios Ecuador
Consumos web. 11/18/2016
El tesoro milenario que el nieto del fotógrafo de Hitler le devolverá a Bolivia - BBC Mundo
Se asentó en una serranía de clima cálido en el departamento de Santa Cruz (este de Bolivia). Fue durante ese tiempo, aunque todavía no se sabe a ciencia cierta cómo, que obtuvo esas piezas de al menos 1.000 años de antigüedad.
Consumos web. 11/17/2016
'Lost' Frida Kahlo painting surfaces after six decades - BBC News
The assistant, now in her 90s, kept the painting in a bedroom in her home in California until she offered it to auction house Sotheby's this year.
tags: FridaKahlo mercado de arte
Consumos web. 11/16/2016
Edvard Munch painting Girls on the Bridge fetches £44m - BBC News
Girls on the Bridge, a painting by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, has sold for $54.5m (£43.9m) at auction.
tags: EdvardMunch mercado de arte
YInMn, la nueva tonalidad de azul que fue descubierta por accidente - BBC Mundo
No sólo su tonalidad era perfecta -muy parecida al lapislázuli- sino que tenía una durabilidad, estabilidad y resistencia como ningún otro color azul disponible en el mercado.
tags: color
Consumos web. 11/12/2016
¿Cómo evolucionó el rostro humano? — Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Amazings® / NCYT®)
“Más larga sí, aunque con una velocidad de maduración tremendamente ralentizada. De ahí que se considere que retenemos características de los individuos juveniles, lo que se conoce como neotenia. Además, se trata de una tendencia evolutiva porque, en este caso, el patrón morfológico sí se vincula al tiempo, caras cada vez más pequeñas y neurocráneos más desarrollados”
Consumos web. 11/10/2016
La decisión implica que la Comisión Nacional de Precios de Medicamentos y Dispositivos Médicos de Colombia deberá fijar un nuevo precio para Glivec, que el Ministerio de Salud estima quedará en 40 a 50% menos que el actual.
Scott also debunks the myth that the White Album sessions were miserable. "We had a blast," he says. "Those other stories are bullshit."
Los insectos que ingieren ivermectina, un antiparasitario muy utilizado en ganadería, pierden su capacidad para interactuar con el medio porque ven alteradas sus capacidades locomotora y sensorial, lo que podría explicar el declive que vienen sufriendo las poblaciones de estas especies de escarabajos.
tags: ecosistemas alternativos agrotóxicos crisis alimentaria
Anoushka Shankar on the Beatles, new album, upcoming India tour and more - Life and style
How close were you to George Harrison? I can’t explain how much Uncle George meant to me. He was one of my closest parental figures. I have fond memories of working with him on my father’s album Chants of India. He produced the album.
Donovan on Helping the Beatles Write a Classic -- Vulture
I knew in 1965 when we met that he and I were similar. John and Paul [McCartney] are Liverpool Irish and I'm Glasgow Irish, and that means we were both in the ancient Gaelic tradition of bards and shamans and troubadours, poets of the very highest order, those with the goal of delivering peace and wisdom.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatleindia Donovan
Consumos web. 11/08/2016
#BrunchBookChallenge: A review of The Beatles – All Our Yesterdays | brunch$boc | Hindustan Times
The Beatles – All Our Yesterdays is a new graphic novel by the Delhi-based Campfire that has previously published several informative and illustrated books on famous personalities
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlehistory
The Life of a Song: ‘Yesterday’
their mother Fay walked into the living room and asked if anyone would like some scrambled eggs. McCartney sang the words on top of the melody, improvising for the next line: “Oh baby, how I love your legs.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
¿Qué orilló a Van Gogh a automutilarse? (12:00 h) ‹ ADN – Agencia Digital de Noticias Sureste
“Pocas horas antes de que Van Gogh se cortara la oreja, recibió una carta de París. La misiva traía noticias de que su hermano había conocido a Johanna (Jo) Bonger, una joven holandesa que estaba de visita en la capital francesa. Pocos días después, habían decidido casarse”,
tags: VincentVanGogh
Consumos web. 11/02/2016
Hilary Duff 'truly sorry' for Halloween costume - BBC News
"I only have admiration for the indigenous people of America," wrote Walsh, who wore a headdress and face paint as part of his costume. "In hindsight I would not have made that decision."
tags: mojigatería mundial
Consumos web. 11/01/2016
'It Was A Cess Pit, But We Loved It' – A Former Owner Remembers Liverpool's Cavern Club - NME
'Cavern Club: The Inside Story', tells the story of Debbie Greenberg, a Beatles-era Cavern regular whose family bought the legendary club in 1966, nursed it into a second golden era and who wants to set the record straight on why the original Cavern was demolished in 1973.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatleplaces beatlepeople beatlebooks
'Harry Benson Shoot First': el documental sobre la vida y obra de Harry Benson | Cinepapaya
ahora se esté por estrenar Harry Benson Shoot First, un documental que explora la vida y obra de este artista que hoy tiene 86 años.
tags: fotógrafos Beatles beatlepeople beatlephotos beatlemovies
Tara Browne: the James Dean of Sixties London who inspired The Beatles
As a biography, Howard’s book is hindered by its subject’s insubstantiality. But as a richly populated history traced along this spirited character’s journey from Ireland to Swinging London, it is a fascinating piece of work.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlesongs