Day I cut John Lennon's first record - The visitor
“I recorded a demo disc for them and that would have been the time to take a professional interest.
Record Achievement – An Irishman’s Diary on ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’
I might mention that when searching the term “Sergeant Pepper” in this newspaper’s archive, I was intrigued to find a series of hits from the 1890s.
JAL flyers offered replicas of happi jackets to commemorate Beatles' visit
The replica happi jackets to be handed out on the plane are meant for first-class passengers from Thursday until December 31 and will also be offered to business-class passengers on December 24-25.
Consumos web. 12/22/2016
Consumos web. 12/21/2016
activista y psicóloga infantil, publicó una petición pública llamando a detener "la masacre" y "el genocidio" que las autoridades parisinas quieren cometer contra la población de ratas. Lejos de parecer una frivolidad, la propuesta acumula más de 20.000 cifras, y sumando.
tags: mojigatería mundial París
Consumos web. 12/13/2016
Los estudios científicos han confirmado que el alga Trentepohlia está detrás del fenómeno, descartando un origen extraterrestre o panspérmico como llegaron a sugerir algunos investigadores.
tags: forteana
Rod Davis: «John Lennon sabía desde el principio que podía hacer lo que se le antojara»
Yo prefería los temas de skiffle, porque eran más de tipo blues o country americano. No me atraía el rock and roll y no se puede meter un banjo en un grupo de este género.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/11/2016
Caesarean births 'affecting human evolution' - BBC News
Historically, these genes would not have been passed from mother to child as both would have died in labour.
Consumos web. 12/10/2016
dejar la portada en riguroso e inmaculado blanco. Con la inscripción The Beatles en relieve, en la primera edición, y en tinta gris o negra en las sucesivas, y un número de serie como si el disco fuera de tirada limitada
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlealbums beatleart beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/09/2016
El truco que utilizaba Rembrandt para pintar sus alabados autorretratos - BBC Mundo
Rembrandt se habría valido del claroscuro— el acusado contraste entre la luz y las sombras, una técnica que el holandés dominaba a la perfección— para esconder las partes que el espejo no le permitía ver de forma detallada.
tags: historia de el arte pintores
Consumos web. 12/08/2016
Qué llevó a Estados Unidos a boicotear a Nestlé en los años 70 - BBC Mundo
convenios con los hospitales en los que contaban con enfermeras entrenadas que recomendaban a madres primerizas alimentar a sus hijos con leche en polvo.
tags: Nestlé industria farmacéutica
The sad story of Jimmie Nicol who became a Beatle for two weeks after standing in for Ringo Starr
Paul McCartney recalled teasingly sending Ringo a telegram saying: “Hurry up and get well Ringo, Jimmy is wearing out all your suits.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 12/06/2016
John Lennon’s Sgt. Pepper’s Piano Will Fetch Millions | Art & Collectibles
The instrument features a brass plaque, commissioned in 1971 by the man himself, which names the songs that it helped bring to life.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlegear JohnLennon mercado de arte beatlesongs
The Oral History of the First Two Times the Beatles Took Acid | VICE | United States
George had an entirely different experience. "I had such an overwhelming feeling of well-being, that there was a God, and I could see him in every blade of grass," he said. "It was like gaining hundreds of years of experience in 12 hours."
tags: Beatles beatlehistory
Consumos web. 12/03/2016
Kit O'Toole's Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016
This list of Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016 includes selections that every fan on your gift list will love …
tags: Beatles beatlemovies beatlebooks
Consumos web. 12/01/2016
Author to release New Beatles Encyclopedia this month - BeatlesNews.com
a world renowned authority on the Beatles and their cultural influence, has written an updated, abridged version of his The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks