¿Es cierto que los países tienen "personalidades"? ¿O se trata sólo de estereotipos? - BBC Mundo
Por ejemplo, quienes tienen rasgos relacionados con la toma de riesgos y con la apertura suelen ser más proclives a migrar, por lo que representan regiones en las que ha habido más migraciones.
Consumos web. 12/30/2017
Consumos web. 12/29/2017
El tamaño cerebral se ha incrementado en un 350 por ciento a lo largo de la evolución humana, pero el equipo de Seymour halló que el flujo hacia el cerebro lo hizo en un asombroso 600 por ciento.
Consumos web. 12/22/2017
How John Lennon Ended Up in an Ad for a Guitar He Only | Reverb News
Well, yes, John did use it—for an hour or two. And he and his Rickenbacker had been inseparable—or at least John and his original Rickenbacker 325s had been.
The Coolest Clause The Beatles Had in Their Contract
Paul McCartney explained that they didn’t take a stand on the issue of racial segregation because they wanted it to be a “goody-goody thing” but rather because they thought it was stupid and senseless.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
Novedades editoriales en Redbook - Ma Non Troppo - Muzikalia
César San Juan Guillén (Bilbao, 1963) es doctor en Psicología Social por la Université Catholique de Louvain (Bélgica). En la actualidad es profesor en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad del País Vasco. Experto reconocido en los Beatles
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Facebook sends Ars takedown notice from Pink Floyd over NASA audio [Updated] | Ars Technica
just a six-second portion of our video was infringing. When we clicked the link to see, it turned out that Pink Floyd was upset about six seconds of audio that we had taken from an official NASA recording that we pulled from the Internet Archive.
Consumos web. 12/20/2017
“The Beatles. 501 historias que deberías conocer”
se nos ofrece precisamente eso: escenas, curiosidades, canciones… de The Beatles, de la música en general —obligado, tuvieron sanas relaciones con sus compañeros— y de los sesenta en particular.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Físico que escribió sobre la ciencia de The Beatles gana premio del MEC - la diaria
El de los Beatles es más luminoso, tiene grandes mensajes sobre la naturaleza humana y sobre por qué hacemos música, lo que tiene mucho que ver con lo que se vende como imagen de los Beatles; una música más luminosa y positiva.
tags: Beatles beatlescience
Consumos web. 12/15/2017
My Turn: Edward Achorn: The Beatles were just my mates
Colin Hanton, a gentlemanly but tart 79-year-old upholsterer who, six decades ago, played drums for the Quarrymen, the pre-Beatles band that included John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison.
Consumos web. 12/14/2017
¿Por qué tantas iglesias en Bogotá tienen forma de nave espacial? - BBC Mundo
"Las transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas a partir de los años 30, el desarrollo urbano de las ciudades, las influencias culturales foráneas, sumadas a la búsqueda de una identidad arquitectónica propia y a las posibilidades que ofrecían los nuevos materiales, hacen que, dejado paulatinamente el historicismo propios del período republicano, se pretenda una imagen y una espacialidad decididamente 'moderna' para las iglesias, que hacen parte de los nacientes barrios de una ciudad en permanente expansión".
los investigadores argumentan que la forma de las ondas pintadas por Munch se asemejan en mucha mayor medida a las nubes estratosféricas polares de tipo 2.
Consumos web. 12/13/2017
How Paul McCartney's words of wisdom helped my family leave the USSR
In 1991, as the train rattled across the border to Hungary, we hummed the tune to Maxwell's Silver Hammer to keep ourselves sane. And later in a refugee camp, mum would hum Golden Slumbers to get us to sleep.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlepeople
Aurora church using Beatles to deliver holiday message - Aurora Beacon-News
"'The 'Long and Winding Road' is about the journey the Holy Family makes, while 'With a Little Help from My Friends' is the story of the shepherd hearing the message of the angels and following the star," Bell said. "The 'Let it Be' song relates to Mary saying 'yes' to God as she agrees to give birth. One of the translations of scripture is 'let this happen' as Mary surrenders to God and becomes the mother of Jesus."
tags: Beatles beatlesongs
Consumos web. 12/08/2017
Now That's What I Call Music albums dominated iTunes in 2017 - BBC News
The Now series' masterstroke was to broker a deal whereby two companies, Virgin and EMI, collaborated on the tracklisting.
tags: historia de la música
De hecho, «habría que recordar que los medicamentos suelen tener más efectos secundarios para las mujeres por este sesgo de sexo en la investigación», añade la profesora del Departamento de Psicobiología.
Al contrario de lo que algunos asumieron, las manchas no son deposiciones de pájaro. Al contrario, un examen a través de rayos X muestra que están hechas de cera, que goteó probablemente sobre la pintura desde una vela en el estudio de Munch
Reading about Lennon is to accept he is so huge, so compelling, and ultimately unknowable, that all writers, it seems, have found it difficult to resist taking liberties with his life story and character.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks JohnLennon
Consumos web. 12/07/2017
See Yoko Ono's public artwork at 3 places in New Orleans | NOLA.com
HAVE YOU SEEN THE HORIZON LATELY?, 1967/2017, solicits a different, but no less provocative, kind of introspection. Ono has used the question (or similar wording) multiple times throughout her career, including in a related 1967 performance piece, a song she released in 1973, and later, in 1997, as the title of her first major solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford.
tags: YokoOno arte de vanguardia
Consumos web. 12/06/2017
New tower to be named after Norwich man who inspired The Beatles - Norfolk Property News
Fanque was born William Darby in Norwich in 1810 and lived in Ber Street, just around the corner from Alumno Developments’ new tower.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlesongs
Los libros que destripan el mayor éxito y el mayor fracaso de Beatles
examina los dos volúmenes monográficos publicados por Enrique Torras Bosch sobre los discos a “Beatles for sale” y “A hard day’s night”.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlealbums
Consumos web. 12/04/2017
Montblanc honours The Beatles - The National
design that incorporates a peace symbol, a Union Jack and a silhouette of the Fab Four crossing Abbey Road (the album of the same name was released in 1969). The cap really does look like a microphone, made using multiple metal inlays that are coated with ruthenium.
tags: Beatles beatlethings
Consumos web. 11/30/2017
El extraordinario caso del hombre que tiene huesos más fuertes que el granito - BBC Mundo
Para aliviarla los médicos tuvieron que cortarle el cráneo, sacar una parte del hueso, ahuecarlo o limarlo y volverlo a poner, explica Tim a la BBC.
tags: enfermedades extremas
Se trataba de un desorden que nunca antes se había reconocido y que Iaria bautizó como Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD).
tags: cerebro enfermedades extremas
Consumos web. 11/28/2017
'Magical Mystery Tour': Inside Beatles' Psychedelic Album Odyssey - Rolling Stone
Between September 5th and 8th, they laid down three particularly tripped-out songs: Harrison's blurry "Blue Jay Way" (inspired by his early-August trip to Los Angeles); the instrumental jam "Flying," which was co-credited to all four Beatles; and most famously Lennon's "I Am the Walrus," a free-associative vision produced under the influence of Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlealbums beatlesongs beatlemovies
The Beatles’ ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ at 50: A Monument to Paul McCartney’s Genius
The nonsensical story focused on a group of strange individuals taking a “mystery tour” in England, with Richard Starkey (aka Ringo Starr) and his widowed auntie as the focal point.
Consumos web. 11/25/2017
The Serious Silliness of The Beatles' 'I Am the Walrus,' 50 Years Later - The Atlantic
But isn’t it the human condition to find meaning in even the most arbitrarily assembled words and sounds? At least it’s my condition.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs beatlepeople beatlescience
Consumos web. 11/23/2017
Adelaide Catholic School forced to cover offensive statue | Newshub
"As a consequence, the statue was immediately covered and a local sculptor has been commissioned to re-design it," said principal Simon Cobiac.
Consumos web. 11/22/2017
Crítica literaria de Beatles, el libro de Lars Saabye Christensen
Los chicos irán viviendo las transformaciones que se producen en su mundo de forma simultánea a las que el cuarteto de Liverpool irá experimentando en su estilo musical y en su look.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 11/21/2017
Beatles for sale: German police recover John Lennon diaries | Entertainment - Geo.tv
The items were stolen from Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono in New York in 2006 and have been seized as evidence, Martin Steltner, a spokesman for the Berlin prosecutor’s office, said.
Consumos web. 11/16/2017
Paul McCartney wrote about puppy in song Martha My Dear | Daily Mail Online
Sir Paul, who was then dating Jane Asher, turned up in his Aston Martin DB6 at her home, where he posed with her sheepdog Cuddles before driving back to London with his new puppy, priced at ten guineas.
The singer sent death threats from the deaf community - BBC News
she received death threats from within the deaf community for promoting a "hearing" activity.
tags: decadencia cultural gremialismo excesos antidiscriminación
“Las metáforas operan tanto consciente como inconscientemente —señala Fox Keller—. Influyen en las maneras en que se estructura y construye la opinión pública. Afectan la percepción social sobre un tema y la percepción social afecta a las políticas públicas”.
tags: lingüística meta epistemología
Two Vintage Cars Formerly Owned by The Beatles are Up for Auction
The coolest feature, however, is the Philips Auto-Mignon record player that McCartney added to the vehicle, which has since been re-commissioned — because who doesn’t listen to vinyl on the road?
tags: Beatles beatlethings
Consumos web. 11/14/2017
"I embrace my natural heritage and despite having grown up thinking light skin and straight, silky hair were the standards of beauty, I now know that my dark skin and kinky, coily hair are beautiful too."
Consumos web. 11/11/2017
The tailor who made the Beatles' first suits has died - Liverpool Echo
Walter had two requests: one to leave their stinking, sweaty boots outside and another to watch their language.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatleclothes
Consumos web. 11/09/2017
John Lennon is Alive in the New Novel 'Saint John Lennon'
The newly released novel "Saint John Lennon" - a compelling mix of history, fact, fantasy and music - reminds us "we are all one." On December 8, 2020, 40-year-old John Lennon mysteriously appears in front of the Dakota in New York City to begin an intriguing adventure.
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlebooks
Kevin Spacey: Completed film to be reshot without accused actor - BBC News
His role in All the Money in the World is to be recast and his scenes reshot. The release is expected to go ahead as planned on 22 December.
Consumos web. 11/08/2017
A Very Fancy Grasshopper Was Found in the Paint of a Van Gogh Masterpiece | artnet News
the museum’s team was hopeful that they could use it to determine the season in which the work was made. The museum contacted paleo-entomologist Dr. Michael S. Engel, senior curator and professor
A Hard Day's Night: Solving a Beatles mystery with mathematics - Science News - ABC News
notes that your brain expects to hear, based on the context they appear in, but that aren't actually present. For example, most Beatles songbooks transcribe the chord with a G note on the lowest guitar string.
Consumos web. 11/07/2017
A subasta el raro MINI Cooper S de Ringo Starr - Motor.es
el extraño MINI Cooper S Radford / Hooper de Ringo Starr, que empleó el célebre batería de The Beatles entre 1966 y 1968, precisamente los años psicodélicos de la banda. Este Cooper S modificado cuenta con una configuración muy poco vista.
Consumos web. 11/03/2017
Youngest member of Manson’s ‘Family’ finally speaks out - Style - The Maine Edge
Charlie looked at that album as a message from the four prophets,” she continued. “He really believed that The Beatles were sending him a message. Charlie perceived the message to be confirmation that a race war was going to happen. That’s what ‘Helter Skelter’ was. That’s where the term came from.
tags: CharlesManson Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlesongs
Meet the man behind The Beatles’ iconic hair (VIDEO) | Showbiz | Malay Mail Online
“I was washing Jane Asher’s hair and one Saturday morning, she said to me ‘would you like to cut my boyfriend’s hair?’
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlehistory
Consumos web. 11/02/2017
Inspiration for the Beatles' Lady Madonna? National Geographic | Music | The Guardian
National Geographic’s January 1965 issue included a photograph entitled Mountain Madonna, of a woman whose way of life was threatened, with one child at her breast and another laughing up at her.
Consumos web. 11/01/2017
Artista plástico expone en San Rafael antes de llevar su obra a Liverpool | Diario San Rafael
“Ese lugar va a abrir nuevamente y están juntando fondos para ello”. Venditti donará una de sus obras para contribuir con esta apertura.
Tres libros de Los Beatles | Diariofolk
Antonio Panadero Cantos - Beatles, el color de los sueños. Jordi Melgosa, Ivan Moles, Josep Molist y Jordi Zaragoza - The Beatles. 501 historias que deberías conocer. Francesc Vicens Vidal - George Harrison. The Inner Light, una vida espiritual. Editorial Milenio, 2017
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 10/26/2017
John Lennon's Customized Beatles Album Up for Auction
Lennon had the “Butcher Cover” LP on the wall of his apartment at the Dakota in New York until he arranged with bootleg fan Dave Morrell to make a swap. In return, Lennon was given a reel-to-reel tape of the Beatles' Yellow Matter Custard bootleg.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory JohnLennon beatlepeople beatlealbums beatlegs
Consumos web. 10/25/2017
Was the word 'Beatlemania' coined in Gloucestershire? - Gloucestershire Live
“The headline read: ‘Beatlemania – it’s happening everywhere, even in sedate Cheltenham’ but Vincent Mulchrone wrote a piece in the Daily Express on October 21 of that year which was headlined ‘This Beatlemania’,” said Hugh.
Small boy with big talent on display at Artu4ia : Martinez News-Gazette
The boy is familiar with popular music of an earlier time, such as the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine.” A painting of that submarine shows how Jaxon and Kleber have collaborated for the exhibit.
tags: yellow submarine beatleart Beatles
Consumos web. 10/24/2017
How Wim Wenders put the snap back into Polaroids - BBC News
"It was just part of my life. I would photograph things to do with movies I was making, or when I travelled. It was useful and fun - which I think is what Polaroids were for most people."
tags: fotografía fotógrafos WimWenders
The artist making 'new' Warhol paintings, 30 years after his death - BBC News
Stephenson has made new versions of Warhol works by posthumously tracking down the pop artist's original acetates, paints and printer, and recreating the entire process as precisely as possible.
tags: arte de vanguardia historia de el arte propiedad intelectual
Taking the merch trend to new heights, Alice + Olivia is joining forces with The Beatles for a limited-edition capsule collection.
tags: Beatles beatleclothes
Consumos web. 10/20/2017
15 Batman Versions Ranked From Weakest to Overpowered
Join us as we count down 15 times when Batman went from his regular (but still awesome) self to supremely overpowered.
He wrote a book, which appeared at the peak of Beatlemania, called “Love Me Do! The Beatles’ Progress,” the subtitle being a reference to John Bunyan’s 1678 Christian allegory, "The Pilgrim’s Progress." Our Mr. Braun meant literary business.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 10/19/2017
El sorprendente fenómeno de las lluvias de peces | Ancient Origins España y Latinoamérica
“Curioso caso en Tampico (Col. Lomas de Rosales) donde se registró una ligera lluvia que incluyó pequeños peces que literalmente cayeron del cielo,”
tags: forteana
Consumos web. 10/18/2017
The absurdly violent and gay Beatles movie that never got made | National Post
Sexual assault, both committed by and against the Beatles, would be repeatedly played for laughs.
tags: Beatles beatlemovies
Consumos web. 10/14/2017
Theatre cancels opera over portrayal of Asian characters - BBC News
Cancelling the opera in its theatre, officials at the Hackney Empire said: "The debate aroused by the non-Asian casting in The Golden Dragon compromises the Empire's commitment and position as a champion of diversity and accessibility across the theatre industry.
tags: mojigatería mundial excesos antidiscriminación decadencia cultural
A Brief History of Bat-Marriage
As you’ll see below, Batman’s gone through marriage many times, but until now, they’ve all been for myriad kooky reasons.
estas calcificaciones a veces afectan a la amígdala cerebral (núcleos de neuronas en la profundidad de los lóbulos temporales) y el giro periamigdaloideo.
Consumos web. 10/11/2017
uno de los pocos casos de mutualismo que existen entre estas dos especies. Para entender cómo el ave ha sido capaz de aprender a reconocer las llamadas de los hombres
Jack Good, Who Put Rock ’n’ Roll on TV With ‘Shindig,’ Dies at 86 - The New York Times
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, quickly doffing his hat, “I’m a humble man named Jack Good and I’m also the producer of ‘Shindig.’ I thought it might amuse you to know” — he suddenly shouted and widened his eyes — “the Beatles are coming!”
tags: beatlehistory beatlepeople Beatles
Arthur Janov's "primal scream" influence on John Lennon
Arthur Janov, the Californian psychotherapist who created the controversial “primal scream” therapy method, has died this week at age 93. Janov pioneered a therapy based upon the concept of re-living childhood trauma and repressed memories by re-experiencing the pain as an adult and letting it out physically via screaming.
tags: JohnLennon Beatles beatlepeople
Consumos web. 10/08/2017
A través de la base de datos Justicia Pesticidas las víctimas de Monsanto y otras compañías pueden documentarse y fortalecer las acciones legales que decidan poner en marcha.
Consumos web. 10/07/2017
An Oral History of ‘Batman: The Animated Series’
Is the black in the character going to be too dark? What is this gonna look like? We were more figuring out the guts of the actual technical production of it as opposed to what would it be as a series.
tags: Batman
Consumos web. 10/06/2017
Sgt Pepper's jukebox to mark 50th anniversary | Talent | Music Week
the album’s anniversary is being marked with a limited edition vinyl-playing jukebox.
tags: Beatles beatlealbums beatlethings
Consumos web. 09/30/2017
The Beatles Release a 'Yellow Submarine' Happy Socks Collection | Billboard
Happy Socks (aka the happiest sock brand in the world), was presented with the opportunity to do a limited edition capsule collection in partnership with The Beatles (aka one of the most influential rock bands in the world),
Jann Wenner, John Lennon, and the Greatest Rolling Stone Cover Ever | Vanity Fair
John and Yoko were deep into primal-scream therapy, their emotions raw and close to the surface, and the image of a bearded Paul McCartney singing from the rooftop of Apple Records, against a cold London wind, was too much to bear.
tags: JohnLennon Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlemovies
How John Lennon got last laugh in Jann Wenner feud | Page Six
On the white strip below the image, dated ‘Palm Sunday 1974,’ was the message ‘How do you sleep???!!!’”
tags: JohnLennon Beatles beatlehistory
Consumos web. 09/29/2017
Far from being a one-haircutwonder, Leslie was McCartney’s hairdresser for nearly a decade, even opening his own salon in Chelsea in 1967 backed by The Beatles and their company Apple.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
asociaciones negativas entre la rLRS y el nivel educativo, de tal forma que la selección natural habría afectado más a las personas con un nivel de instrucción menor. “Mi estudio no responde por qué el nivel de instrucción ha sido objeto de selección natural, solo demuestra que es un factor afectado en mi muestra de estudio”, puntualiza Beauchamp. Además, encontró evidencias –menos sólidas– de que la selección natural se notaría en el retraso en la edad de menarquía de las mujeres.
‘Imagine’ de Lennon se convierte en un libro infantil | El Correo
Cuando hace un mes un yihadista sembró el terror al volante de una furgoneta se encontraban trabajando allí en un libro ilustrado que habla precisamente sobre la paz. «No hemos querido vincularlo, solo fue una casualidad», explican desde la editorial.
Consumos web. 09/26/2017
Neanderthal brains 'grew more slowly' - BBC News
An analysis of a Neanderthal child's skeleton suggests that its brain was still developing at a time when the brains of modern human children are fully formed.
Get Back: You can buy an unreleased Beatles song on eBay
The demo recording has had a charmed life of its own (read Billboard’s account here), though it’s never been released and the original tape is presumed lost. The song was due to be recorded on March 5, 1963 but the group ran out of time (they revisited the track during later sessions for Rubber Soul). The acetate last changed hands in 2012, when it was sold by George Harrison’s family though Bonham’s auction house in 2012 for $8,461.
Consumos web. 09/21/2017
Yoko Ono sues 'John Lemon' soda company for 'misusing the legacy of John Lennon' | Fox News
Ono’s lawyers said the drink “infringed the trademark of her late husband’s name and his personal rights” and sought $6,000 a day in damages and $600 for every drink retailed.
Consumos web. 09/20/2017
In 1983, the British comedian Jasper Carrott made an unhelpful contribution to Beatles legend when he coined a joke that would go down in history: “Ringo isn’t the best drummer in the world,” he quipped. “He isn’t even the best drummer in the Beatles.”
tags: RingoStarr Beatles beatlehistory
Consumos web. 09/19/2017
Mystery of £20,000 Eleanor Rigby score pulled from auction of Beatles memorabilia
“My late husband won it at a charity auction,” she said. “He knew Sir George well, they used to move in the same circles. They [The Beatles] would come to parties occasionally.
tags: Beatles GeorgeMartin beatlethings beatlesongs mercado de arte
Consumos web. 09/16/2017
Jake Gyllenhaal film slated over amputee casting - BBC News
"By his own admission, David Gordon Green never even considered any other actors in a role in which Gyllenhaal plays a character who is a double amputee," said Jay Ruderman, president of the Ruderman Family Foundation.
tags: mojigatería mundial excesos antidiscriminación decadencia cultural
George Harrison's sitar to be auctioned - BBC News
The instrument, purchased from a shop on London's Oxford Street in 1965, was used by Harrison during the recording of the Beatles song Norwegian Wood.
tags: GeorgeHarrison beatlegear Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs mercado de arte
Consumos web. 09/15/2017
Mourning for a revered Beatles oboist – Slipped Disc
We hear that the prodigious Michael Winfield, who played oboe on Strawberry Fields Forever, has died.
5 Artists Who Recorded Their Songs In Multiple Languages | Articles @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
The lyrics were translated to German language by Camillo Felgen, a Luxembourger singer, lyricist and television/radio presenter, upon request by EMI's German producer Otto Demler. Demler also asked Felgen to fly to Paris, where the Beatles were on tour, to teach them phonetically the new lyrics of their songs during a recording session.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs beatlepeople beatlealbums
Consumos web. 09/14/2017
British Museum sorry for labelling row - BBC News
The row escalated after Jane Portal, from the London institution's Asia department, said "sometimes Asian names can be confusing" on exhibition labels.
tags: lingüística museo mojigatería mundial excesos antidiscriminación
Consumos web. 09/13/2017
This Diamond Supply Co. Capsule Collection Pays Tribute to The Beatles • KicksOnFire.com
The shoe comes with a 10oz canvas upper covered in Black and White illustrations from the film. Accompanying the illustrations is the White stitching, White laces and the White rubber outsole.
tags: Beatles beatlethings
'Stolen' Beatles Eleanor Rigby score removed from auction - BBC News
A spokeswoman said the allegation was made following a "family dispute" over the score's ownership.
CLASSIC VINYL: priceless pressing found at back of sock drawer (From The Westmorland Gazette)
John Lennon had to borrow George Harrison's bike and ride to his Aunt Mimi's house to borrow the money from her.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople mercado de arte beatlesongs beatlealbums
Rolling Stones kick off their No Filter tour in Hamburg | Daily Mail Online
Mick also made a nod to The Beatles, by saying: 'We were told by our friends from Liverpool that Hamburg is a good place to make a start with your career!'
tags: Beatles beatlepeople RollingStones
“Este costoso experimento no ha logrado producir resultados en los últimos 20 años además y ha desviado la atención de métodos que sí funcionan. En lugar de invertir en este ejercicio sobrevaluado de relaciones públicas, tenemos que hacer frente a la desnutrición a través de una dieta más diversa, el acceso equitativo a la alimentación y la agricultura ecológica”
tags: transgénicos
Consumos web. 09/06/2017
It traces George’s working-class childhood in North London, where he lived with his parents and his older sister Irene, his early years as a scratch pianist, his life in the Fleet Air Arm during World War II and his groundbreaking work as the head of Parlophone Records,
Omega Auctions re-catalogues Eleanor Rigby score lot after protest from Beatles producer’s family
The lot description has now been amended to 'an original ... one of only two known originals' after a complaint by one of Martin's four children that she possessed the original score.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlethings mercado de arte GeorgeMartin
Tú eres adulto, pero tu cerebro no tanto – Español
En el cerebro de un niño las regiones colindantes tienden a trabajar juntas. En la adultez, las regiones distantes comienzan a actuar en conjunto. Los neurocientíficos han especulado que esta armonía a larga distancia permite que el cerebro adulto funcione con más eficacia y procese más información.
'La fantasía es un género muy político': Del Toro | Excélsior
“Cuando alguien suena inteligente por hablar con cinismo, es el momento de hablar de amor. The Beatles y dios no pueden estar equivocados al mismo tiempo”, afirmó entre risas. “Si no están de acuerdo, voy con The Beatles”.
tags: Beatles beatlemania beatlepeople
Consumos web. 09/05/2017
Unreleased song by Beatles legend George Harrison set to fetch £15,000 at auction
The secret 1968 song, Hello Miss Mary Bee, comes on a reel-to-reel tape which also includes alternative recordings of several Beatles hits.
tags: GeorgeHarrison Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs mercado de arte
Consumos web. 09/02/2017
Now that 'Sgt. Pepper' has been remixed and reissued, Ringo Starr shares his wish list - LA Times
“No one said, ‘That’s not my song.’ Everyone was in after the count-in. I love that — that was the great thing about us.”
Consumos web. 09/01/2017
Monmouth University Beatles professor publishes George Martin bio
Womack chronicles Martin’s central role in that disruption in his latest book, “Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin.” Remarkably it’s the first biography of Martin, who perhaps scared off would-be writers by publishing multiple autobiographies.
tags: GeorgeMartin Beatles beatlebooks
Incredible video shows when the Beatles played secret Southport gig - Southport Visiter
“The concerts were very lively affairs with scores of screaming fans, and the BBC, who wanted to make a short Beatles’ film, approached the Southport Dramatic Club to see if it could provide a daytime venue in complete confidence to so avoid the usual noisy stake out by the fans.
Una breve historia del exclusivo disco soviético de Paul McCartney - Infobae
eso es lo que dicen los testimonios que recabó el ensayista y director Leslie Woodhead en su libro y documental How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin (Cómo The Beatles rockearon/sacudieron al Kremlin). Para el músico ruso Sasha Lipnitsky, por ejemplo, "fueron el primer agujero en la Cortina de Hierro".
Consumos web. 08/30/2017
Añadiendo esta especie bacteriana de nuevo a los intestinos de los ratones afectados, los autores de un nuevo estudio consiguieron revertir algunos de sus déficits de comportamiento, que recordaban a los síntomas de los trastornos del espectro autista en humanos
tags: cerebro ecosistemas alternativos enfermedades extremas
He said it was inspired by the group working with actress Eleanor Bron on Help!, and Rigby taken from the name of a shop in the centre of Bristol.
Ringo Starr's modified boots sell for £6,900 - BBC News
This was so he could use the pedals of his drum kit while performing. Starr wrote his name inside in biro.
Consumos web. 08/29/2017
How the Beatles' visit to Bangor was tragically cut short half a century ago - Daily Post
The Beatles themselves, and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, were staying in the Dyfrdwy hostel opposite and one of their group rushed across the quad to break the tragic news.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatleplaces
Consumos web. 08/26/2017
The Beatles: Historians say 1967 Bangor visit was a turning point - BBC News
That connection is still marked to this day - there is a plaque in the university and a slate slab in the high street recalling those three days in 1967 when The Beatles brought the attention of the world to Bangor.