John Lennon’s first Asian love was a 17-year old groupie. | I read the news today: All Beatle news.
Lee also insists that she was not a “hardened” groupie, but rather a “naïve” one when she and Lennon ended up in bed.
Giles Martin Defends His New Stereo Sgt. Pepper | MOJO
the mono mix, which they did themselves and is superior, does sound ‘old’, like it was done 50 years go. But this is one of the most important albums of all time – I don’t want it to ever sound ‘old’.
Consumos web. 04/29/2017
Consumos web. 04/28/2017
This is the best Beatles book ever yeah, yeah, yeah
Dreaming the Beatles, a book out this week from veteran rock journalist Rob Sheffield, does not take either of those long and winding roads. It takes a Beatle-esque delight in randomly bouncing around in space and time
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlebooks
Consumos web. 04/27/2017
The other new Maestro model is Raymond Weil’s second homage piece to the Beatles, the Maestro Beatles “Abbey Road” Limited Edition, featuring visual tributes to the final album recorded by the iconic band
tags: Beatles beatlethings
Klaus Voormann And Genesis Publications Announce 'Revolver 50: The Collage Series'
REVOLVER 50: The Collage Series. Each of the 250 collages has been individually decorated with elements hand-crafted by Voorman himself – the pens, pencils, scissors, ink wells and other artists’ tools of the trade he used in creating Revolver, along with playfully placed photos of The Beatles.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks KlausVoorman beatlealbums beatleart
Everything Fab Four: The Last Days Of Lennon And McCartney | The Huffington Post
“it was just a very happy conversation about his family, my family. Enjoying his life very much. Sean was a very big part of it. And thinking about getting on with his career.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory
You are a licensee, and you have to use the gadget according to the license terms, which spell out where you have to buy your service, parts, consumables, apps, and so on.
tags: excesos antipiratería propiedad intelectual imperialismo
Consumos web. 04/25/2017
Las fórmulas detrás de los Beatles, una excusa para hablar de ciencia a sala llena
Ernesto Blanco posee un doctorado en ciencias biomecánicas y es también autor del Libro “Los Beatles y la Ciencia: de cómo la música, John, Paul, George y Ringo nos ayudan a entender la Ciencia”.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlescience
Francesc Vicens: "Joan Mascaró fue un maestro espiritual para George Harrison" - Diario de Mallorca
Mascaró fue un gurú para George Harrison, un maestro espiritual. Actuó como un facilitador de textos para el beatle, ejerció una gran influencia sobre él como traductor de los libros sagrados sánscritos al inglés.
Fue un proyecto que nació hace cuatro años, mientras estudiaba los fósiles de perezosos gigantes
tags: Beatles beatlescience
Rob Sheffield's New Beatles' Book: Read an Excerpt - Rolling Stone
Dreaming the Beatles follows the ballad of John, Paul, George and Ringo, from their early days to their Sixties peaks to their afterlife as a cultural obsession.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlepeople beatlehistory beatlesongs
Consumos web. 04/22/2017
any such work may inevitably pale in comparison to I Me Mine: the personal stamp on the original publication in 1980 becomes indelible with the similarly loving care applied to The Extended Edition.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks GeorgeHarrison
Consumos web. 04/20/2017
Se había propuesto en algún estudio parcial que los híbridos formados podían reclutar nuevos polinizadores que no visitaran a los progenitores y, de esta forma, conducir a su supervivencia como especie híbrida independiente.
tags: evolución
11 Things You Might Not Know About The Sgt. Pepper Cover - Classic Rock
Designed by husband and wife team Peter Blake and Jann Haworth, it presents The Beatles' alter egos surrounded by what Blake described as a “magic crowd.”
El medio siglo del Sgt. Pepper’s desde el lente del fotógrafo | Revista Noticias
John Lennon dijo alguna vez que “de todos los fotógrafos que existen, Michael ha sido por lejos el que mejor documentó esa magnífica década, y quien entendió realmente qué significaron aquellos años sesenta y sus juveniles sueños de futuro”.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlephotos beatlepeople beatlealbums
Revealed: Cabin Club which inspired Beatles song to get £1.5m refurb - Liverpool Echo
The club is set to have inspired George Harrison to write his first song for The Beatles, Don’t Bother Me, in 1963. It’s said he was inspired after being harassed by photographers on his way in to the club.
Consumos web. 04/18/2017
CARLTON FLETCHER: McLean’s ‘American Pie’ a timeless pop/rock classic | Opinion | albanyherald.com
“While Lennon read a book of Marx” had more, most believe, to do with the British pop superstar, not the communist Lenin, and “the quartet practiced in the park” is believed to point to Lennon and his bandmates, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. “Helter Skelter,” of course, is the Fab Four song that inspired deranged mass murderer Charles Manson, and the line “while sergeants played a marching tune” is generally considered a reference to The Beatles’ classic album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatleart
Consumos web. 04/15/2017
Los Beatles y el Cine (primera parte)
inspirado por el título provisorio, “Ocho brazos para abrazarte”, escribió un guion de alto contenido sexual, en donde Los Beatles participaban en orgías en Marruecos, y fumaban marihuana abiertamente.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlemovies
Pharmaceutical giant 'plotted to destroy cancer drugs to drive prices up 4000%' | The Independent
The loophole is designed to make drugs cheaper once ther patents have expired – but if drug companies have no competition, they are free to rise prices as well.
tags: industria farmacéutica
The Beatles, Evelyn Hart and Lions Bay: The Max Wyman story | Vancouver Sun
“Of the four of them, Lennon was the surly one, the least able to get along with. George was the one I liked best, we really got on. McCartney was a bit standoffish. But McCartney was reading Chekhov and Faulkner backstage during the gigs.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople
Consumos web. 04/13/2017
Everything Fab Four: "With Love, From Me To You” | The Huffington Post
Martin recalled, John played a “diatonic harmonica, one with no black notes. He had a number of different harmonicas tuned to different keys”—when he wasn’t borrowing a mouth harp off of Abbey Road’s disc-cutter, that is.
The Quietus | Features | Learning To Love Stereo: Hearing The Beatles' Sgt Pepper's With New Ears
As Martin explains, this is a remix as opposed to a remaster, which means that he worked from the individual four track tapes in order to build a stereo version that could finally supersede the one that was put together as an afterthought back in 1967.
tags: Beatles beatlealbums beatlepeople
Consumos web. 04/12/2017
New Sgt. Pepper's book to be celebrated at Beatles symposium - BeatlesNews.com
Through essays by Beatles scholars such as Al Sussman, Frank Daniels, Piers Hemmingsen, Bill King and the author himself, Spizer covers the full gamut of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band history augmented with over 100 color and original black-and-white images. He also includes a wonderful section of fan memories, with comments and photos from noted celebrities, rock icons, and "everyday people."
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlealbums beatlepeople beatlebooks
Consumos web. 04/11/2017
There are six Beatles-focused interviews, including local rock songwriter Jay Ferguson (Spirit and Jo Jo Gunne); Paul McCartney’s son, James; and early Apple Records artist Jackie Lomax.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlepeople
Consumos web. 04/10/2017
En 1914, apareció un cartel de reclutamiento —cuya distribución fue más limitada que la del afiche del Tío Sam— que mostraba al secretario de Estado de Guerra británico Herbert Kitchener.
tags: iconografía imperialismo
Consumos web. 04/08/2017
El equipo de investigadores de Estados Unidos y Japón encontró que el cerebro hace un "duplicado", es decir, dos memorias de un mismo evento.
tags: cerebro neurología memoria
Consumos web. 04/04/2017
Los investigadores analizaron, justamente, qué ocurre a bajas dosis, como a las que están expuestas la población general. Observaron que el CPF actúa como disruptor endócrino y produce efectos similares a los estrógenos, por ejemplo induce alteraciones en la estructura de la glándula mamaria.
tags: agrotóxicos
Paul McCartney Talks Backing a Stripper at Early Beatles Gig
But one of the nights, one of the guys we used to work with, Tony Sheridan, his drummer hadn’t turned up. So I drummed with him. It was terrifying, but it gave me a love of drumming.”
Sgt. Pepper's band of combat engineers had to dodge shells in Vietnam - The Buffalo News
"They'd walk by me and start singing the words to 'Sgt. Pepper's.' They were joking around. I was with a lot of good guys over there in Vietnam," Pepper said.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlealbums beatlesongs
Consumos web. 04/01/2017
Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper' Artwork: 10 Things You Didn't Know - Rolling Stone
group member Roger Wallis has claimed he gave McCartney a copy of the EP during the trip.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlealbums
George Harrison Helps Disband the Beatles Fan Club
“On Jan. 19, 1972, I received a letter in the mail on Apple letterhead. It was from Laura Cayne, director of Apple Tree, and was addressed to all area secretaries and chapter presidents. In this letter, Laura said the Beatles wished to have their fan clubs in England and the United States dissolved,”
tags: GeorgeHarrison Apple Beatles beatlehistory beatlemania beatlepeople