Qué inspiró realmente “Eleanor Rigby”, una de las canciones más famosas de los Beatles - BBC Mundo
A pocos metros del lugar, en el cementerio, y varios metros bajo tierra, yacía la sirvienta Eleanor Rigby, muerta en 1939 a los 44 años.
Consumos web. 03/29/2018
Consumos web. 03/28/2018
Childhood friend of The Beatles: "I carried their guitars into venues for free"
Recalling the early years, Bramwell, added: “I would lend him my Buddy Holly’s [records], he would lend me his Chuck Berry’s. He used to come round and he would be playing his guitar along to the records.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Raymond Weil - The Beatles watch celebrates the greatest band of all time - Baselworld - WorldTempus
In between the baton style hour markers, no less than 13 album titles have been added, with a special place at 4 o’clock reserved for the unforgettable semaphore interpretation of the word “Help” for the cover of the band’s fifth studio album, which was released in 1965. The timeless logo “The Beatles” takes pride of place just below the centre of the dial.
tags: Beatles beatlethings
George Harrison was in Bengaluru in 1973, and nobody knew!
"He asked my father to host him in the city and he arrived with his first wife, Pattie Boyd," says Pt. Rao. He was accompanied by Pt. Ravi Shankar's nephew.
Beatles Tribute Band Founder Does Deep Dive to Catalog Drum Kits of Ringo Starr - Artvoice
“Over the years, I had compiled a great deal of research and amassed a collection of drum kits and gear, all specific to what Ringo used during his time with The Beatles. I created a website called RingosBeatleKits.com to share my information. That had to be the best decision I ever made in my life because, in 2012, I was asked to assist in a project relating to Ringo’s actual Beatles kits.”
An opera inspired by The Beatles is hitting Melbourne | Beat Magazine
As with most of Cut Opera performances, opera and rock go side by side, telling the story of the four bohemians imagined as the Beatles. In the 90-minute performance takes Puccini’s La Boheme mixed with the best of the Beatles discography.
tags: Beatles beatlestages
Kaya John writes about John Lennon's effect on her life in new book - NJArts.netNJArts.net
“I feel that one of the powers of John Lennon was his own transformation of himself. He certainly started out to be a man who didn’t understand things. He really dedicated himself to growing beyond that
tags: Beatles beatlebooks JohnLennon
'Pepperland' Dance First Major Work Announced For Arts & Ideas - Hartford Courant
The International Festival of Arts & Ideas will present Mark Morris Dance Group’s “Pepperland,” a dance piece inspired by The Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” June 21 and 22 as part of the 2018 festival in New Haven.
tags: Beatles beatlestages beatlealbums
The Real Inside Story of Maharishi, the Beatles, Celebrities, & Me – satPRnews
Susan Shumsky reveals secret ways spiritual masters work on their disciples (including his celebrity disciples), how her relationship with Maharishi transformed her, how she broke away to walk her own spiritual pathway
Fernando Balseca: Los Beatles eran nicaragüenses | Columistas | Opinión | El Universo
El grupo nicaragüense está formado por John Lennon, Paulo (bajista), Jorge (guitarrista) y Ricardo Estrella (baterista), conocidos como “los melenudos de Managua”. Una gira en León, en 1956, consolida su triunfo en el país. Por eso el general Anastasio Somoza García –que se postulaba, en contra de la ley, para un nuevo período presidencial– se aprovecha de su fama y les exige tocar en una fiesta en el Club de Obreros.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 03/27/2018
I got £40 to make The Beatles number one - BBC News
A musician has told how he was paid just £40 for his work turning The Beatles' The Long and Winding Road into a number one hit.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlepeople
Consumos web. 03/26/2018
Beatle Barkers: “Dogs don’t tend to hold the note when they howl.” Interview by Bob Baker Fish
Nicolson and Pierson kept their true identity as the woofers and tweeters ensemble hidden until recently when pirates forced their hand and copies of their album started appearing overseas renamed as Beatles Live From the Pound.
tags: Beatles beatlealbums beatlecovers
Consumos web. 03/23/2018
The Beatles' 'Please Please Me' Session, Hour by Hour - Rolling Stone
the record-breaking cold forced many to spend their Saturday night at home in front of the television, just in time to catch the band making one of their earliest national broadcast appearances on ITV's pop-music program Thank Your Lucky Stars.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlealbums beatlesongs beatlegear
Consumos web. 03/15/2018
Beatles photobomb: Iconic photo hides hilarious secret
“I saw the album and I recognised myself right away. I had a new sports jacket on and I’d just bought new shell-rimmed glasses. I said to my children, ‘get a magnifying glass out and you’ll see me’.”
"Permaneció olvidado, siempre fue considerado como el ayudante de Diego Rivera pero no fue así", dice la especialista a BBC Mundo. "Nunca fue su ayudante, el ya tenía todos los conocimientos del fresco y Diego no".
tags: muralismo historia de el arte
Consumos web. 03/14/2018
TTG - Features - In the Frame: meet Jenny Boyd, ambassador for The Beatles Story in Liverpool
On our return to London, having discussed it with Pattie, George asked me if I’d like to accompany them to Maharishi’s ashram in Rishikesh. I had been on my own spiritual path for over a year and India figured enormously. I had longed to spend some time there.
Consumos web. 03/10/2018
Beatles-signed Peterborough hotel register at auction - BBC News
Their handwritten entries might have left the owner a little concerned, however, as Paul McCartney wrote that he expected to have 58 people in his room, and John Lennon would have 33.
The Beatles and TAKAHIROMIYASHITA TheSoloIst.’s collaborative capsule is available now at grocerystore. locations.
tags: Beatles beatleclothes
Consumos web. 03/09/2018
Billy J. Kramer, Mersey star and Beatle buddy, headlines at The Fest for Beatles Fans
Brian called me in the office and John was there, and he said, 'John has a suggestion.' I said, 'What is it?' And he said, 'I think you should call yourself Billy J.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 03/07/2018
Tommy Nutter: the rebel tailor of Savile Row | The Week Portfolio
the bride and groom, David, and Tommy and his partner at the time, Peter Brown. (Lennon immortalised it 28in the song The Ballad Of John And Yoko: “Peter Brown called to say, ‘You can make it OK. You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain.’
The Beatles’ hairdresser Leslie Cavendish shares experiences of the Fab Four | Jewish News
The Cutting Edge: The Story of the Beatles’ Hairdresser Who Defined An Era, Cavendish (who is pictured above, strumming the Gretsch guitar John Lennon used during the recording of Paperback Writer), lifts the lid not just on Beatlemania, but also on popular culture in an era when the BBC only played “safe and proper” music by artists speaking “the Queen’s equerry”.
The Beatles and Cilla Black would have been even bigger had Brian Epstein lived longer - Sunday Post
The Beatles didn’t attend the funeral, to allow his family privacy and to avoid attracting fans.
una nueva obra que utiliza el concierto de esta popular banda como contexto histórico para hablar de un tiempo difícil para muchísima gente, la dictadura franquista.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 03/02/2018
Un original 'Yesterday' con baile clásico para honrar a los Beatles - Levante-EMV
la música de «Yesterday» se verá codificada en el baile clásico, mientras la de «Come together» partirá de la «investigación musical de la improvisación en directo», una propuesta basada en la transmisión emocional que «no tiene por qué casar rítmicamente», pero que sí conseguirá crear algo íntimo con el espectador.
tags: Beatles beatlestages
¿"El gato con botas" a ritmo de The Beatles? Sí, en Burela
Aparecerán también en escena no solo el felino Paul, sino también la iguana Ringo, el cerdo vietnamita Lennon o la cucaracha Harrison. Y al ritmo... de ¡The Beatles!
tags: Beatles beatlestages
Cinco programas de televisión que hoy serían un escándalo
Existe una verdadera evolución cultural o una involución de derechos y libertades.
tags: mojigatería mundial