Hackear la mirada: las castas o «Indian is beautiful» | Revista Cuadrivio
Al igual que en la foto de Lumholtz, los indios del muralismo se limitan a ser lo que representan, una poética simbólica que enajena la generación de significados.
George Harrison Estate Launches Label for Indian Classical Music - Rolling Stone
The estate of George Harrison has launched a new record label, HariSongs, that will focus on Indian classical and world music. The label was launched in partnership with Craft Recordings and will cull releases from the Harrison family archives, including the former Beatle's collaborations with some of the most famous Indian musicians.
Consumos web. 04/28/2018
Consumos web. 04/27/2018
Eugenio Merino "Here Died Warhol" Exhibition NYC | HYPEBEAST
Merino encourages gallery-goers to take selfies with the artwork in an attempt to debunk the money-making business of celebrity and tourism. Accompanying the sculpture is a fully-operating souvenir shop that allegedly purveys a range of Warhol-related keepsakes.
Consumos web. 04/26/2018
Las fotografías que transformaron Estados Unidos - BBC Mundo
"Él no halló un único tipo de trabajo infantil. Encontró una presencia generalizada de niños a lo largo de toda la industria estadounidense de comienzos del siglo XX", señaló.
Microagresiones: la invasión de los quejumbrosos - Disidentia
Mientras que la antigua cultura del honor se había transformado durante el siglo XIX en una cultura de la dignidad, las aceptación de las microagresiones conduciría a una tercera etapa: a la cultura del victimismo.
Consumos web. 04/25/2018
‘Stab in the heart’: Eric Clapton’s ex on discovering affairs and secret kids - Starts at 60
“It kind of blew me away, I was at the same time flattered but also horrified,” she said. “I thought ‘Oh My God, what’s he doing, I’m married!’”
tags: PattieBoyd Beatles beatlehistory
Consumos web. 04/23/2018
Pero de Aráuz muchos nada más conocen la icónica imagen capturada por la fotógrafa estadounidense Susan Meiselas un día de julio de 1979 y reproducida incontables veces en murales, afiches e incluso como meme en internet.
tags: fotografía iconografía socialismo
Is 'bisexual lighting' a new cinematic phenomenon? - BBC News
I would have to see more examples before I see bisexual lighting as a wholly convincing phenomenon.
tags: iconografía historia de el arte historia de el cine cinematografía
Consumos web. 04/21/2018
The Beatles: In Defense of Revolution 9 | Den of Geek
“Revolution 9” is most associated with John Lennon, it was actually a collaboration with George Harrison, with Yoko Ono contributing conceptual art. McCartney had delivered the first sound collage, "Carnival of Light,"
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
Consumos web. 04/20/2018
‘He was mad at them, that’s why he cheated with Ringo’s wife’ - Starts at 60
“I became aware [of the affair] when she would turn up at midnight and she’d still be there the next day,” Pattie said. “I’d have to be pretty stupid not to notice! Some girls… It was towards the end of our marriage.”
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople PattieBoyd GeorgeHarrison
“As President, I would ensure that the National Endowment of the Arts stops funding of this sort,” Trump told the New York Daily News; the exhibition did not receive NEA funding. “It’s not art. It’s absolutely gross, degenerate stuff. It shouldn’t be funded by government.”
Classic ‘60s by The Crystals and Montez | Camden Haven Courier
Montez became friends The Beatles while on that tour . “Later I could see I had some influence on them. They styled their suits like my jacket,” he says.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlehistory
Consumos web. 04/19/2018
en virtud de que esta bacteria florece en esos oligosacáridos, el intestino delgado se llena de Bifidobacterium infantis, cubre el intestino del bebé e impide que cualquier patógeno crezca.
La dramática historia del hombre al que le diagnosticaron risa patológica - BBC Mundo
Esta condición se manifiesta cuando se crea una desconexión entre el lóbulo frontal del cerebro, que controla las emociones, y el cerebelo y el tronco cerebral, que regula la expresión de esas emociones.
tags: enfermedades extremas
Consumos web. 04/18/2018
Stunning ‘Visualizing The Beatles’ Book Due May 1 | Best Classic Bands
with Visualizing The Beatles, authors Pring and Thomas use data and infographics to present a new way of looking at the Fab Four’s career. (In 2010, the pair started a U.K.-based content development agency, Designbysoap, Ltd., that specializes in this area.)
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlehistory
The Beatles? Not such a Fab Four after all | Daily Mail Online
When the four young men he represented were treated as though they were living gods, he knew better than most that they weren’t even saints.
Hielo Submarine: cuando las marcas se inspiran en canciones
Así surgió Hielo Submarine, una marca de hielo cuya inspiración se ha viralizado en redes sociales este fin de semana.
Consumos web. 04/12/2018
La Señora de Cao, ahora ampliamente reconocida como gobernante, fue considerada inicialmente una sacerdotisa – a pesar de haber sido enterrada con un cetro mucho mayor que el hallado en la tumba del Señor de Sipán (quien fue reconocido como líder político casi sin dudarlo)
tags: feminismo antropología sociología
Consumos web. 04/11/2018
Una explicación para esto es que en un pasado lejano Júpiter orbitó mucho más cerca del Sol que ahora. Durante aquella época, habría atrapado buena parte del material necesario para crear un Marte de mayor tamaño.
tags: Velikovsky génesis
As Time Goes By by Derek Taylor review – a poignant insight into the Beatles | Books | The Guardian
The book ends on 1 January 1970, the day he left Apple; a new era of acoustic sincerity quickly replaced the dream state and mourning for the 60s began almost immediately.
Free access: Hey Jack, where's Ringo? | Shared news | tmnews.com
including a nephew, Dale Mobley, to whom Jack had given a few “souvenirs” from the experience. “He gave me a bar of soap and a few cigarette butts out of their rooms. … I was a pretty popular eighth-grader for a while,” Dale wrote.
tags: Beatles RingoStarr beatlehistory
When Ragas met Rock: Pandit Ravi Shankar gave The Beatles' Harrison sitar lessons | IndiaToday
The pair spent weeks together, starting the lessons at Harrison's house in England and then moving to a houseboat in Kashmir and later to California
Legacy of a Legend: When Pandit Ravi Shankar Introduced The Beatles to the Sitar
With a makeover comprising of a new hairstyle and a moustache, Harrison managed to clear customs and immigration but eventually got caught by the elevator boy at the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel in Mumbai, which soon led to a huge crowd.
Kiwi academics' tasty take on Beatles song Savoy Truffle - NZ Herald
not as an ode to Eric Clapton's rotting teeth and chocolate consumption, but rather as a thinly veiled rock music metaphor reflecting the triptych love relationship" between Harrison, Boyd, and Clapton.
tags: GeorgeHarrison PattieBoyd Beatles beatlehistory beatlesongs
Consumos web. 04/07/2018
I suddenly heard 'Rock Lobster' by the B-52's for the first time," Lennon told Rolling Stone in 1980. "It sounds just like Yoko's music, so I said to meself, 'It's time to get out the old ax and wake the wife up!'
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlepeople YokoOno
Consumos web. 04/06/2018
As Time Goes By by Derek Taylor review – life in the Beatles’ magic circle | Books | The Guardian
Alongside their manager Brian Epstein and producer George Martin, Taylor – who was born in 1932 and died in 1997 – was one of the group’s inner circle whose comparatively advanced years and very English urbanity added to the sense that, however exotic their outward appearance, the Beatles kept one collective foot in a world of tea, biscuits and impeccable manners.
If you're not an avid music history or Beatles fan, this book has the potential to bore. Although the novel is coloured with anecdotes and retellings from those who worked closely with The Beatles at the time, overall the novel is predominately fact-driven and takes a historical approach, which can come off as dry.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Eleanor Bron: The Beatles muse heads to the opera in Ariadne auf Naxos | Times2 | The Times
“People always say that,” Bron says sharply, less serene for a moment. “Paul [McCartney] said one thing about it. And it’s not very flattering anyway.”
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlepeople
Here, there and everywhere: Across the universe with the Beatles | EurekAlert! Science News
In 'Here, There and Everywhere', inspired by the book 'La scienza dei Beatles' ('The science of the Beatles'), Viviana Ambrosi shows how the Fab Four can bring the study of celestial objects and the exploration of the universe closer to a large public audience.
EyN: Con un poquito de ayuda de Los Beatles la ciencia ha logrado acercarse a la gente
De hecho, es en la astronomía en donde más vínculos es posible identificar. Quizás porque la banda se formó al comienzo de la carrera espacial, plantea la investigadora.
Consumos web. 04/04/2018
Gaumont To Turn Julian Lennon’s Touch The Earth Into Animated TV Series | Deadline
“I am truly enthusiastic about working with Gaumont and appreciate the sensitive energy and insight given the entire Touch the Earth series.” Co-author Davis said the goal is to empower more kids.
Sheffield musician Art's footnote to music fashion history! - The Star
“What most people don’t know is that they were designed, and first worn, by Sheffield musician, Art Jacobs.
Judith Simons, pop journalist helped inspire 'Hey Jude' by Beatles
independent and drily humorous, Judith Simons was regarded by the Fab Four as a sort of older sister.