Franklin Pierce librarian helps bring Beatles to life in words | Books | sentinelsource.com
Franklin Pierce University Librarian Paul O. Jenkins co-edited the book “Teaching the Beatles,” recently published by Routledge.
Colombia, a través de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Superindustria), concedió el registro de la marca "Ringo Starr", que había solicitado Richard Henry Starkey, legendario baterista de "The Beatles".
Consumos web. 08/31/2018
Consumos web. 08/30/2018
The definitive history of Eddie from every Iron Maiden single and album | Louder
Edward T Head – Eddie to his friends – has for nearly 40 years been the first point of contact between unsuspecting, wide-eyed pubescents and the world of heavy metal.
Consumos web. 08/24/2018
Nana na naaa! How Hey Jude became our favourite Beatles song | Music | The Guardian
The heart is standard stuff in pop lyrics, but McCartney breathes life into it by making it one of only three images in Hey Jude, all parts of the body – “into your heart”, “under your skin”, “on your shoulder” – and all at the end of a line. They make the song more touching.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlehistory
Consumos web. 08/22/2018
Lennon´s aunt dismissed Beatles´ fascination with... | Daily Mail Online
She wrote: “I haven’t seen John. The sad loss of Brian has upset them greatly & altered their plans. He will be sorely missed as a good friend and advisor to them. It was a great shock to me also, I knew him very well.”
tags: Beatles JohnLennon beatlepeople
Caught up in the emotion on that winter's night was then-university student Bob Katter and a group of his mates, who set about pelting the Fab Four with eggs.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
Consumos web. 08/21/2018
El fan que cambió la historia de los Beatles - TN.com.ar
El joven de 22 años llamó rápidamente la atención del comerciante por su look: campera de cuero y pantalón ajustado. "Busco un álbum. Se llama "My Bonnie" y lo grabaron en Alemania ¿Lo tienen?". "De quién es", fue la respuesta.
Consumos web. 08/15/2018
Paul McCartney: The Beatles’ Other Drummer – DRUM! Magazine
there was a period where John, George, and I operated as a trio and picked up little bits of work. I remember playing in an illegal club in somebody’s basement on Upper Parliament Street in Liverpool’s Caribbean Quarter.
tags: PaulMcCartney Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatleplaces
Consumos web. 08/10/2018
Beatles inspires dance | Keighley News
Legendary choreographer Maurice pays tribute to the Beatles’ ground-breaking 1967 album Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
tags: Beatles beatlestages
Consumos web. 08/09/2018
"Al igual que el uso de las palabras 'nosotros' y 'yo' son a menudo intercambiables, también lo es la identidad del 'nosotros' con la identidad del 'yo'. Los significados de 'nosotros' y 'yo' son negociables no solo en el uso coloquial coreano sino también en la conciencia y la inconsciencia de las mentes coreanas".
tags: lingüística
Consumos web. 08/04/2018
Las consecuencias mortales de malinterpretar – Español
La traducción que recibió Harry Truman de la respuesta del primer ministro japonés Kantaro Suzuki a un ultimátum de las fuerzas aliadas en julio de 1945 —solo unos días antes del bombardeo de Hiroshima— fue “Mudo desprecio” (mokusatsu). En realidad lo que dijo iba en línea con algo así: “Sin comentarios. Necesitamos más tiempo”. Japón no obtuvo ese tiempo.
tags: traducción lingüística
Consumos web. 08/03/2018
La revista Rolling Stone estrena un nuevo logotipo, ahora sin sombras
La revista Rolling Stone se une a la moda de presentar un logotipo del tipo flat design o diseño plano.
Will Rihanna's eyebrows become the Vogue? - BBC News
"Cara was so fresh and youthful when she burst onto the scene because they were her own brows but actually with a lot of girls they've become like drawn-on slugs: cartoonish and often crass.
tags: historia de el arte
Consumos web. 08/02/2018
we constructed five different bags-of-words representations of each song or song portion: unigrams of melodic notes, unigrams of chords, bigrams of melodic note pairs, bigrams of chord changes, and four-note melody contours. We developed a Bayesian model for dependent bags-of-words representations for classification.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlescience
Lennon or McCartney? Math Model Settles Who Wrote the Beatles' "In My Life" | Inverse
This model compares groups of two musical elements together, whereas a more complex analysis might analyze groups of three or four strings of chords or notes. By analyzing patterns in groups of two you may spot micro patterns, but you may be missing macro patterns — relationships between larger sections of music.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlescience
Glickman, former Harvard statistics student Ryan Song and Dalhousie University mathematics professor Jason Brown used a technique called stylometry, or the identification of recurring patterns to ascertain authorship, to analyze 70 Beatles song released between 1962 and 1966. By “decomposing” known Lennon- and McCartney-authored tracks into five categories determined by the frequency of certain musical features, the researchers were able to build profiles of both Beatles.
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlescience
Remaining In Touch - Folio Weekly
We were really lucky. We grew up right on that cusp of the “old world” and the “new Beatle world.” We’d learned all of those same things that he Beatles had learned to play and when they did their solo records that’s when they had us play with them; because we knew where they were coming from.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople
“I only took 23 images, and threw out the ones I didn’t like.
tags: Beatle beatlehistory beatlephotos beatlepeople beatleart
New Plugin Recreates Classic Beatles Reverb Sound | Lifestyle
One of the coolest uses of the effect was as the vocal “spin” at the end of each chorus of the Beatles’ “Paperback Writer” single, with the engineer letting the STEED machine feedback, and then pulling the dial back before the next verse, an effect that Waves’ plugin can emulate. (There’s even a similarly named preset in the Waves plugin.)
tags: Beatle beatlesongs beatlegear
Previous record sales of this comic included sales of $1,075,000 (CGC grade of 8.0) & 657,250 (CGC grade of 7.5) and $575,000 (CGC grade of 6.0) in 2010. Additionally, last year another Detective Comics #27 (CGC grade of 6.5) sold for $567,625.
tags: Batman comics mercado de arte
Consumos web. 08/01/2018
I had a copy of the DVD from 98 or 99, so I really just used that, and my wife and I spent hours listening to the dialogue, like playing scenes over and over. “What’s Ringo saying? Oh my god, get the marbles out of your mouth!”