‘Beatles: The Ballet’ dances into Cole Auditorium on Feb. 5 | Laurinburg Exchange
This multi-media ballet will follow the story of the Beatles’ careers starting in the 1960’s and the cultural impression the band had on the world through their music. Featuring more than 40 songs
Yoko Ono: la transgresión de los valientes - Edición General - El Salto
Dentro de la telaraña de significantes tejida en torno al krautrock y el avant garde, Yoko era la araña que estaba hilando las líneas más cubistas del mosaico final. Uno de donde bebieron directamente mentes inquietas como las de Linder Sterling, que encontró en el vocabulario de la señora Lennon una paleta de colores sónicos idóneos para describir su contexto vital: el vacío emocional trasladado a la generación posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial de los jóvenes de Mánchester.
Consumos web. 01/30/2019
Consumos web. 01/29/2019
A Facebook y YouTube hay algo que les gusta menos que las tetas: la historia
La historia está plagada de este tipo de acontecimientos. No puedes maquillarlos, no puedes cambiar el tema… Nosotros hacemos llamamientos velados por redes sociales para que alguien tome cartas en el asunto. Al final tienes que buscarte temas family friendly. Es absurdo
tags: mojigatería mundial excesos antidiscriminación censura social
Consumos web. 01/27/2019
One Book, Two Titles | The Casual Optimist
Titan Books is focusing on what happen when a child goes missing. “There is nothing more terrifying than the loss of a child!” publisher Miranda Jewess says. Meanwhile, HarperCollins Canada publisher Iris Tupholme says, “Our focus in positioning the book is less on the missing child, though that is a key part of the story, and more on the tension and mystery
tags: edición
Consumos web. 01/26/2019
The Beatles' 'Hey Jude' may not have been released as a single due to its 'vagina' vinyl cover
He opened the conversation by saying, ‘Are you guys serious? Do you know what you’re doing? Do you really intend to sell products bearing the new Apple label?
tags: Beatles beatlesongs Apple
Consumos web. 01/23/2019
Two acoustic guitars, one harmony : The DONG-A ILBO
Lee has turned some 180 songs of the Beatles into musical notes. He proclaimed that it is an easy book that can substitute previous musical notes of the Beatles that were interpreted difficultly.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
The Beatles back first Animal Requiem for deceased pets
Pete wrote him a letter explaining the project and asking if I could record Blackbird using a choir and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.”
tags: Beatles beatlepeople beatlesongs
Bajo la piel | FAN. Un músico elige su canción favo... | Página12
Un músico elige su canción favorita: Miguel Cantilo y El diablo en su corazón
tags: Beatles beatlesongs beatlepeople
Consumos web. 01/18/2019
Mercedes-Benz roadster once owned by John Lennon on Barrett-Jackson docket
A 1965 Mercedes-Benz 230SL roadster once owned by Beatles legend John Lennon will be offered for sale during the Barrett-Jackson collector car auction in Scottsdale, Arizona
tags: Beatles beatlecars
The Dakota Winters is part fantasy, part social history | canada.com
But there is another potent presence in the novel — New York’s legendary Dakota apartment building, home to a galaxy of celebrities including Judy Garland, Leonard Bernstein, Boris Karloff, Paul Simon, Lauren Bacall — and John Lennon and his widow, Yoko Ono, who still lives there.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks JohnLennon
Woog’s World / Beatles the focus of teacher’s latest fiction novel - Westport News
Ferrante’s historical fiction follows a female fan who must choose between the group and her conservative community. She’s a strong character, with important insights into free speech and the value of sticking up for beliefs.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlepeople
Consumos web. 01/16/2019
“The book covers from the day John and Paul first met until the end of 1962, which is a really good period for them,”
tags: Beatles beatlebooks beatlepeople
It's more of an exploration of a period of their time together with the audio and visuals,” Walker said. “This is the first season that these images have been released to the public, and they put together a symphony package. …
tags: Beatles beatlestages
Artwork with Saudi Arabia flag to leave Ground Zero - BBC News
"We believe this solution respects the unique sensitivities of the site and preserves the artistic integrity of the exhibit." It will be moved later this week.
tags: mojigatería mundial excesos antiterroristas censura decadencia cultural
Q&A: Racine Library director on Cubs, books and race equity | Local News | journaltimes.com
Local author Ray Zirkle will talk about his new book “Advertising the Beatles,” as well as his collection of Beatles memorabilia.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Consumos web. 01/15/2019
’Ignorant and offensive!' The subtext of subtitles - BBC News
But can incautious use of subtitles tip from being merely offensive into being racist? The Guardian's Mark Lawson has certainly suggested there is a risk - even if it is unintentional.
Consumos web. 01/11/2019
ON THE BOOKSHELF | Ladies and Gentlemen . . . The Penguins!|VC Reporter | Southland Publishing
the book is a tongue-in-cheek story about four penguins from the Falkland Islands, a remote British territory, who decide they want to be bigger than, well, the Beatles.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
Action Figure Insider » New Beatles TITANS are coming soon!
The new 3″ window-boxed Fab Four Pack includes the Fab Four in their iconic Yellow Submarine outfits complete with dynamic glow-in-the-dark effects!
Polémica porque en España proyectan la película “Roma” con subtítulos en español | La Opinión
“Me parece muy ofensivo para el público español el que Roma la hayan subtitulado con castellano español”, dijo Cuarón en unas declaraciones en Nueva York
Consumos web. 01/09/2019
“We have the Prophets singing about the ‘Sun King’ from the Beatles’ ‘Abbey Road’ album and altogether, the program features 40 Beatles’ songs that range from their first single “Love Me Do’ to ‘Get Back’ that are either done as they were originally written or as part of a medley,” he said.
tags: Beatles beatlestages
All you need is an infography | Yorokobu
Pero también se puede hacer como lo cuenta Beatles ¡A la vista! (B, 2018), desterrando la mayoría de palabras y sustituyendo la información por una catarata de estímulos visuales.
tags: Beatles beatlebooks
La historia del capo narco fan de John Lennon y Adolf Hilter | Contexto Tucumán
Y era amante de Los Beatles, especialmente de John Lennon, a quien le construyó una estatua de tamaño real en un centro turístico de su ciudad natal cuando estaba en la cúspide del narcotráfico.
tags: Beatles beatlepeople JohnLennon