In 1992, Guitar World pointed out that once Indian music ingrained itself into George, his guitar playing became “more elastic, yet very precise.” George was “finding more notes between the cracks, like you can in Indian music-especially on your slide work.”
Consumos web. 02/23/2022
Consumos web. 02/17/2022
'Insensitive' Van Gogh souvenirs removed from sale amid backlash - CNN Style
"This case feels like a small but clear example of the cynicism and commercialism that has affected the modern art landscape, as mental health and mental illness are treated as a joke -- which they aren't -- or as a novelty."
tags: censura social mojigatería mundial decadencia cultural VincentVanGogh
Consumos web. 02/10/2022
"Así como la Ñ es para el español, el 'ahorita' es para el español de México y para toda nuestra idiosincrasia porque concentra la historia completa y el orgullo de este país", le dice a BBC Mundo. "Yo creo que básicamente podría decirse que el 'ahorita' sirve para no obedecer. ¿Cómo le respondía uno con un 'no' a los españoles que daban órdenes? Pues se le decía 'ahorita', por supuesto",