How Peter Jackson Used AI on The Beatles’ ‘Revolver’ Release
Jackson did take some creative license, though. Beatles historian Dan Rivkin has spent the past ten years listening to 97 hours of bootleg audio from the Let It Be sessions and documenting it on the blog They May Be Parted. He says Get Back is largely faithful to the reality of the raw tapes but identifies a couple of moments he says verge on misrepresentation.
Consumos web. 11/26/2022
Consumos web. 11/11/2022
Belter Skelter takes those famous tones from Helter Skelter, Yer Blues, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, and Glass Onion, and uses them as a launch pad for a whole new style of bass overdrive that’s as simple to use as it is effective
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlegear beatlealbums beatlesongs
Consumos web. 11/07/2022
Socorro, Internet ha sido discordizado
En una web, serían accesibles a través de cualquier buscador, y los hipervínculos ayudarían a su difusión y localización. Lo mismo aplica a otros entornos como cuentas de Twitter con el candado puesto o grupos de Telegram.
Consumos web. 11/05/2022
‘I was part of the Beatles’ act’: Mike McCartney’s best photograph | Art and design | The Guardian
. I’d taken a more serious photograph before this one. It wasn’t hard to direct them. I’d say to John: “If you want to be bigger than Elvis, do what the photographer tells you.” Then I told them: “Now let’s have a daft one. Do whatever you like.”