Los investigadores han realizado una serie de experimentos en los que han pulverizado las flores del saúco con antibióticos de amplio espectro. En las plantas tratadas con antibióticos el contenido floral interno de compuestos volátiles y la respiración se mostraron estables, lo que demostraba que los antibióticos no causaban daños ni estrés en las plantas.
Consumos web. 11/30/2023
Consumos web. 11/22/2023
Now and Then: How composition choices made John Lennon’s music memo into a Beatles song
Major-key songs dominate the Beatles’ catalogue, comprising roughly 81 per cent of their recordings. Only four per cent remain entirely in minor keys, including Come Together and I Want You. Now and Then is among the remaining 15 per cent of Beatles’ songs that move between major-key and minor-key sections, alongside We Can Work It Out or Girl.
Consumos web. 11/17/2023
La fotografía en la Comuna de París – Revista Espoiler
Pero tal vez lo más significativo sea el modo en que fue empleada la fotografía por la fuerza social constituida alrededor de los ideales de la Comuna. Se sabe el destacado rol que importantísimos fotógrafos como Nadar o Étienne Carjat desempeñaron a lo largo de los dos meses, sobre todo el primero en tareas de carácter clandestino.
Consumos web. 11/15/2023
“Learning a second language enables you to understand these concepts that you didn’t have in your first language,” says Edward Gibson, an MIT professor of brain and cognitive sciences and the senior author of the study. “What’s also interesting is they used their own Tsimane’ terms to start dividing up the color space more like Spanish doe
tags: Bolivia lingüística color sociología antropología cerebro
Consumos web. 11/11/2023
How Yoko Ono and a publishing temp saved the Beatles' Holy Grail from the scrap heap | Salon.com
Almost immediately, she could tell that they held contents of a particular significance. As she sifted through the boxes, she gazed at what seemed like vintage photographs of the Beatles — thousands of them. And then she found a manuscript titled "Living the Beatles’ Legend: Or 200 Miles to Go." It was an oddly formatted specimen — printed in all caps. And further still, she discovered a spate of leather-bound diaries. Leafing through their pages, Kutti was able to ascertain that the boxes must be the property of Malcolm Evans, a name that meant nothing to her. From the looks of the booty that lay before her in the basement, he must have been some kind of chronic hoarder, an avid photographer apparently, and an enthusiastic journaler who peppered his voluminous diary entries with madcap, colorful — even psychedelic — illustrations.
Consumos web. 08/01/2023
Fix A Cup To Mend The World? Yoko Ono Has An Artistic Solution To Warfare And Climate Change
But the purposeful purposelessness of Mend Piece may have a practical purpose in its own right. Even if the work is no longer intended to be a metaphor for personal relationships, it provides a material basis for relationship-building in a political context. In their absurd attempts to make ceramic cups hold coffee or tea again, people express a commitment to mending the world against all odds, and find common cause.
Consumos web. 07/13/2023
En China los agricultores polinizan a mano los frutales - EcoPortal.net
Los agricultores en China deben realizar manualmente la tarea de polinización de sus árboles frutales como manzanos y perales porque ya no existen abejas. El excesivo uso de pesticidas y la falta de su hábitat natural acabó con todos los polinizadores.
Consumos web. 06/29/2023
Klimt's final portrait sells for record £85.3m - BBC News
Gustav Klimt's final painting has sold for £85.3m ($108.4m), making it the most valuable work of art ever sold at auction in Europe.
tags: mercado de arte
Consumos web. 06/19/2023
Juan José Barragán demuestra que el ‘Saturno’ de Goya es en realidad Fernando VII
El personaje mítico de Saturno -padre de Júpiter, el principal dios del panteón romano-, no se relaciona con una verga de gran tamaño, aunque sí con un personaje cruel capaz de destruir su creación. En opinión de Juan José Barragán, Goya aprovechó esta identificación para representar a su odiado Fernando VII devorando con saña no a su hijo, sino a su hija, que no es otra que la representación de España.
Consumos web. 06/16/2023
Paul McCartney's unseen photographs revealed - BBC Culture
a new exhibition, Paul McCartney, Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the Storm at London's newly reopened National Portrait Gallery, and a new book, 1964: Eyes of the Storm, feature more than 200 images taken by McCartney, rediscovered by the singer-songwriter
Consumos web. 05/17/2023
White Album donated to charity shop sells for more than £2,000 - BBC News
A rare copy of The Beatles' 1968 White Album raised more than £2,000 at auction after being donated to a charity shop.
Consumos web. 05/09/2023
Eurovision Song Contest: Liverpool submarine parade gets party started - BBC News
The Blue and Yellow Submarine Parade - which starts at 18:00 BST at Williamson Square - will see an underwater sea disco come to life on the city streets.
tags: yellow submarine beatlesongs
Consumos web. 04/06/2023
Then she said: ‘You’re nice and you don’t want him to go out with somebody that’s not going to be nice to him, right?’ I said: ‘Of course not.’ So, she said: ‘You’re perfect.’ I said ‘no’ and she kept saying ‘yes’. Then she walked out the door. Later, John told me that she went to him after and said: ‘I fixed it for you.’”
Consumos web. 04/02/2023
Rest in peace, Lizzie – The Daily Beatle
For about two hours, Lizzie and Gayleen were with the Beatles in the studio, singing their contributions. The girls shared a microphone with John and Paul, there were two microphones, Lizzie sang with John first and then they switched, so she sang with Paul.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlesongs beatleplaces beatlephotos
Consumos web. 04/01/2023
¿Por qué es tan doloroso el parto? - Mujeres con ciencia
El dolor del parto tiene doble procedencia. Por una parte, la cabeza del neonato presiona la musculatura del útero materno, produciendo un proceso isquémico (falta de oxígeno) que duele (como duelen las anginas de pecho, donde la isquemia afecta al músculo cardíaco). A este dolor se le une el generado por las distensiones del peritoneo visceral y el suelo pélvico, mucho más desarrollado en Homo sapiens.
Consumos web. 03/25/2023
The Language You Speak Can Change Your Perception of Time : ScienceAlert
"By learning a new language, you suddenly become attuned to perceptual dimensions that you weren't aware of before," explains Athanasopoulos. Athanasopoulos adds that the way bilinguals seemed to switch between two ways of thinking shows the deep impact language has on our brains.
tags: lingüística cerebro antropología
Consumos web. 03/24/2023
How Your Native Language Changes The Structure Of Your Brain | IFLScience
the German speakers’ stronger connectivity shows up in the intra-hemispheric frontal-parietal/-temporal language network. In addition to the greater connections between hemispheres, Arabic speakers benefited from extra wiring in the temporo-parietal lexical-semantic network.
tags: lingüística cerebro
Consumos web. 03/23/2023
La famosa imagen, titulada Le Violon d’Ingres, fue incluida a principios de año en una subasta de la casa Christie con un precio de salida de cinco millones de dólares, y apenas 10 minutos después ya había doblado su valor tras un intenso período de licitación.
tags: mercado de arte fotografía
Consumos web. 03/18/2023
The Beatles: Unseen photos of Fab Four's US tour to be auctioned - BBC News
The lot of 38 original prints, 12 rolls of film and colour transparencies, all taken in 1964 and 1965, will be sold with full copyright
tags: Beatles beatlemania beatlehistory beatlepeople beatleplaces beatlephotos
El peligro de la 'cultura psi' - Ethic : Ethic
Pero el auténtico drama nos sacude cuando, para poder sobrevivir, debemos reconocernos enfermos y, aun así, continuar. Porque lo normal es estar mal. Porque lo normal es sentirse cansado, avasallado… y nunca rendirse. A esto me refiero con «cultura psi»: necesitamos ayuda psicológica o psiquiátrica para sentir que, en el fondo, no estamos tan mal como parece porque, al menos, tenemos un diagnóstico que certifica que no podemos vivir al 100% continuamente.
tags: neotenia psicología sociología antropología industria farmacéutica