Then she said: ‘You’re nice and you don’t want him to go out with somebody that’s not going to be nice to him, right?’ I said: ‘Of course not.’ So, she said: ‘You’re perfect.’ I said ‘no’ and she kept saying ‘yes’. Then she walked out the door. Later, John told me that she went to him after and said: ‘I fixed it for you.’”
Consumos web. 04/06/2023
Consumos web. 04/02/2023
Rest in peace, Lizzie – The Daily Beatle
For about two hours, Lizzie and Gayleen were with the Beatles in the studio, singing their contributions. The girls shared a microphone with John and Paul, there were two microphones, Lizzie sang with John first and then they switched, so she sang with Paul.
tags: Beatles beatlehistory beatlepeople beatlesongs beatleplaces beatlephotos
Consumos web. 04/01/2023
¿Por qué es tan doloroso el parto? - Mujeres con ciencia
El dolor del parto tiene doble procedencia. Por una parte, la cabeza del neonato presiona la musculatura del útero materno, produciendo un proceso isquémico (falta de oxígeno) que duele (como duelen las anginas de pecho, donde la isquemia afecta al músculo cardíaco). A este dolor se le une el generado por las distensiones del peritoneo visceral y el suelo pélvico, mucho más desarrollado en Homo sapiens.